Best Lsx conversion ever


Haha I saw that this morning, hilarious…

whoa, the lights made me see double.

Thats sweet :tup: Need a better plate like Griswald or WalyWrld

Holy shit it’s the truckster! I haven’t seen that movie in probably 15 years!

Start Song

Holiday road…

/End Song

bring clarks old car around …

MY CAR !!!



hahahaha awesome.

Thats ballin…

So clean too…

I’d post an offer if it had a 6 speed!

That rules, where do you even get aluminium wood paneling these days. <3

1970’s microwaves:shrug:

no one has said the real name yet!

Its the wagon queen family truckster in electric pea!

^ rob lol. nice car. def. looks clean as hell lol.

that thing is awesome! id rock it. :slight_smile:


I wish it was my car! lol

idk why people waste their time and money, to each their own i guess…

Damn you. Eight hours of THAT stuck in my head… :slight_smile:

“Sir…If I weren’t in a uniform I would split your skull open with the butt of this revolver faster than you can say Police Brutality…”

Haha. That movie is Legend. It’s a cool concept to build if it was for a Chevy Chase museum.

“why do you need my address?”
“we like to send out a mailer.”


This guy apparently has the same feeling I do on the LSX platform… that their should be an LS motor in everything :slight_smile: