Best place for sledding in WNY

tentativly IN. no dimsum tho.

Why not build a ramp then use a car to pull your self over it?

gunthers hill, the little super steep part in the woods to the left we dubbed “hospital hill” my mom wouldnt let me go down it. i can guarantee there are some gnar jumps at the bottom of hospital hill,-95.677068&sspn=31.150864,59.765625&ie=UTF8&ll=42.711898,-78.835965&spn=0.001762,0.003648&t=h&z=18&om=1


I doubt they allow them at chestnut ridge

I was just thinking about going a few weeks ago when we had some snow

I’m going to look for a GT Snowracer. This is not a meAt thread. Maybe I’ll make one though.

:clap: hahahahaa

extreme sledding rules. im in for a meet. we should just go sled at holiday valley super late at night? Ive done that on mountains in vermont and its awesome.

:wrd: as long as it involves crashing, vomiting and laughter i’m in

when theres cases of beer involved, its a virtual certainty

the inner tubes and saucers do the trick if you want to go fast :slight_smile:

I remember when I was 5, I got hit by a metal sled at Chestnut Ridge and broke my ankle. That fucking sucked! It was MLK day. After needing stitches on my head the following mLK day, I now fear that day and do as little as possible every year.

saucer, YES. + RAMPS

I have a GT snowracer, but not really interested in watching you guys destroy it. May be down to bring it out though.

You sound one of those:

“It’s my basketball / street hockey net and I’m taking it home so you guys can’t play”

type of kids.


it will get destroyed if it’s got the OEM steering wheel.

mine broke off.

lol, mildly entertaining

Im not one of those guys, its just that it has been handed down to my nephew and he loves it.
This is funny though

lol. ICP and the Kottonmouth Kings. Together at last.