best place to eat at 1am?

mighty taco, jim’s steakout, mcdonalds.

any other places that are pretty abundant?

I was watching that damn UFC 9 part documentary and it showed them eating what looked like maybe… swiss chalet? boston market?

either way now I really want chicken, mashed potatoes, peas, brocolli, chinese food, something like that

this would be nice, plzkthx

louies? no fried chicken or anything but still good shit.

i would say if you want chicken then go to dennys or panos


DENNYS!! YES! good call

where and what is louies?

edit: please include general area the restaurant is in

louis is a texas hotts place but they have almost everything and its bomb. there 2 in the southtowns and one on transit in the northtowns

If you’re in the northtowns, Olympic>*


olympic wow i havent been there in years…

jims truck stop on walden accross from the galleria has an awesome philly cheese steak, and a strawberry shortcake that is the shit.

and if your a smoker, theres a smoking section, and non smoking section. o and its cheap. =]

Louies used to be my spot. Now when I get drunk I end up at taco shops.

who doesn’t :roflpicard:


Good calls everyone. I checked out all the restaurants within 5 minutes and they were all closed. Went to mcdonalds :frowning:

jims truckstop is 24 hours, so i dont know how they would be closed ?

Not within 5 minutes I guess. I love to make late night trips out to the Flying J truck stop on rt 77, but I wanted a take home kind of food since I’m all alone tonite


dennys are all open 24hrs i thought

Only place near me is a perkins. :frowning:

The nearest dennys is on the other end of maple, I think.