Best place to get propane?

Need to get a full propane tank for the grill so that I can cook out today. Where is the cheapest place to get a refill or trade in the empty? Thanks.


I always go to homecraft True value for a refill. its right past grove road on the right hand side in castle shannon if your coming from bethel

any convience store

closest thing to my parents is lowes so thats where we trade them in

Gas Station or Walmart here.

some of the lawn places that sell flowers and such for yards. I had my tank filled up for 11bucks at a place in Millvale.

Gas stations want like 30

Ahh wish I had been able to find that place. I knew gas stations were more so I went to a small hardware store. Ended up paying 20 bucks. Just for the record, I knew that you can get these filled at tons of places, I was looking for the cheapest place.

there is a gas station right down the road from me on penn ave. they refill yor tank…usually runs about $14.

i think its 15 bucs at taylor rental in pleasant hills… soon to be out your way.