Where can I get propane tanks and refills cheaply?

I’m considering a ventless indoor LP heater for the shop and I’m trying to find a good deal on the propane. Ideas?

I wouldn’t mind getting a bunch of tanks and refilling them if it’s a better deal than getting a monster tank that I have to pay someone to come here and refill.


There is a some place on that road between the YMCA and delta sonic, my neighbor told me. I forgot the name of the place sry.

suburban propane


There is a some place on that road between the YMCA and delta sonic, my neighbor told me. I forgot the name of the place sry.



Get them all Carhartt jackets, and tell them to grow beards. It will be cheaper in the longrun and it worked for you before :wink:

X… :lol:

why dont u get a oil heater recycle oil = profit for u every shop i worked at has used one of them

Strickland Propane.

propane works out be more expensive. Especially if you are heating that large of an area. I would say go talk to hank about leasing a waste oil furnace. Then go collect oil.

We have a couple drums of waste oil collected, but the efficient waste oil heaters cost thousands of dollars and I’m not looking to heat the whole shop. If I was, that would make a lot of sense in the long run.

I just want to heat the “office” area which has been sectioned off.

The polar bear roamed the tundra in the shop area last year with the occcasional aid of some high powered lights that throw a lot of heat. Most of the time he didn’t even wear a jacket LOL.

Propane cylinders are usually about 15 bucks to fill each, if you have a natural gas line somewhere you can tap into that might be a better bet.

noco is where i get all the propane for my shop. if you want i can get you in touch with my guy over there and see about getting the same price for you (even though you wont buy as much or as often)

also they make some sweet nat. gas space heaters…they pop up at auctions every once in a while…i can keep an eye out for you if you want

propane tanks are about 15 a piece to fill anywhere locally…if you go out to the res near justins house (or just have Justin steal some from the giant tank next to his house) it’s like a 1.50 a pound which ends up being about half price from anywhere else.

waste oil heater ftw. just get a little one? and doesn’t propane let off carbon monoxide? if so i’m pretty sure you will all die.

:EDIT: never mind I suck.

It would be much cheaper to have a bigger tank dropped off.
I am not sure if they allow that in an urban setting though.:gotme:
A 200 gallon tank would destroy an entire city block if it exploded.:ohnoes:

Out here in the country we burn wood.:slight_smile:

this is in my backyard. just imagine if it was at innovative and went off.

Yea I don’t think I want that in the shop and I’m guessing the city and my neighbors don’t either.

It looks like I’ll be getting some small tanks. Joe does your guy deal with those or just filling big tanks?

If you were to put that huge tank in your shop this would surely be the outcome.

go out to the indian reservation it only about 7.50 a 20# tank and was averaging about 2 tanks a week


go out to the indian reservation it only about 7.50 a 20# tank and was averaging about 2 tanks a week



A few months back it was $6.50 to fill a tank…around 4th of july.


If you were to put that huge tank in your shop this would surely be the outcome.


that is some ms paint skillz if I ever seen em.