I wasnt to sure if i should do it because i dont know Greg and dont know how he would take it but…just remove it if you dont like

that looks like something greg would wear on a day-to-day basis anyway.

i thought the other kid looked like kalan porter.

wtf i dont wear homeless man gloves.


lmao that is hot greg :slight_smile:

is that even a 240, sure doesn’t look like one.

its an FC owned by the top auto-technician in Ontario…

Easy boys.



This is a “Best Son Picture” thread correct?

That was my vote…

yes… its a great picture…

It’s also not an FC.

It’s also not an FC.[/quote]

An 1988-1992 generation Toyota Supra, no?

It’s also not an FC.[/quote]

An 1988-1992 generation Toyota Supra, no?[/quote]

1986.5-1992 MKIII (dad owned a 1986.5, 1984, and 1982 supra, great cars)

^^^ If that’s true…

Then you have an s13 because you can’t afford an s14.

but then i could say you have an s14.5 because you cant afford a real s15, its a viscious cycle :dunno:

so lets leave it at that

Just saying…

Nothing wrong with mk3 supras.