BEST VIDEO EVER *no newman, only sabres fans here plzkthx*

Definately chills, especially during the first part, that song is the greatest hockey clip song ever. Mayday, hannan, rays fight, max’s goal, umburger dropped, lalalalalafontaine at the aud, a ted nolan sighting…thats got alot of good stuff in there…plenty more could be added too, and i dont like the middle song, but great vid

The song O Fortuna was in the movie Excaliber which involved a sword or a SABRE.

Actually the save Noronen makes right after that is rediculous! I wont be able to sleep tonight, I’m already stoked for the game tomorrow.

Go Sabres!! I can’t wait to see this…


amazing vid!

ah, I liked it.
minus the last song and them spelling “a lot” “alot” in the quote at the end.

…brought back sweetass memories of the games I’ve watched this season.

Atleast its not as bad as the letter Giambra’s office sent to the mayor of Ottawa to propose a wager on the series. Who ever wrote the letter called the Ottawa Senators the “Ottawa Generals” and then goes on to spell Sabres, “Sabres”

Hey I suck at spelling too, but atleast Im just some douche bag posting on internet automotive forums not a Gov’t official.




in like 5th grade this kid named steven hines got “sabers” shaved in his head… LOL.

Man, I need to find another video like that for tonight. Playing this one on the big tv just before the game really got everyone into it. I even stopped by radio shack saturday morning to get an adapter to hook the laptop up to the surround sound in the living room.