Better water your lawn....


A man told a women what to do? What is wrong with that… She’s lucky he didn’t back hand her first when she didn’t listen to him.


I’m not trying to start shit, at all, but I see you say this shit in a lot of posts. Do you really think it’s that cool to hit a girl? I mean, did your parents do this shit in front of you? I don’t get it. You’re obsessed with dudes hitting women. Just saying…


IDK. I’d call the cops too if i had a nice house next to that shithole. Seriously. It looks like fucking shit. If i was her neighbor, I’d be pissed, an then she failed to comply with the officer. And shit got out of hand.

I’m with the cops. I’m guessing if she just watered her lawn, they’d drop the ticket.



Why do you get to pick and choose what laws your follow? If you can’t afford to live there, move somewhere you can afford, maybe a nice assisted living community where they water the lawn for you :uhh:


Do you really think it’s that cool to hit a girl?


i do.


i do.


that’s because you are a girl. it’s ok for girls to hit girls.


Wait wait wait…

Is that community so retarded as to waste water resources in a region that is water strained as is?



I would assume that it’s probably not only for other home owners, but also a fire hazard to let it get that dry.

Meh, if it burns, we lose some Mormons. No big loss.

It costs more than you think, it is usually a 3GPM faucet head that is used to feed a 50’ Diameter circle, at the current reclaimed (read cheaper) water price of $0.00401 per gallon for the first 3,000 Gallons and $0.00414 per gallon after that, assuming a 60 x 120 plot you would need about 6 sprinklers, taking that into account you are suppose to leave it on for 20 min, so 6 sprinklers x 3 GPM x 20 min= 360 gallons per day, watering every day for a month will give you 10,800, now that will be 3000 gals at $0.00401, or $12.03, and an additional 7,800 gal at $0.00414 per gal, or $32.29 a month, that is $44.32, now times 12 months that is $531.84 per year just to water your lawn

EDIT: that took way to long to actually do, and I now realize that I probable should have been doing real work

^ That’s if you want a perfectly green lawn.

To keep it just green enough that it’s not illegal would probably mean watering once a week, for 30 minutes max.

Regardless, it’s a law in that community. If you can’t follow that law you shouldn’t be living there.

Keep in mind water out west is WAY more expensive than here on the East coast due to widespread water shortages and extreme droughts.

and keep in mind I was using reclaimed water which most jurisdictions do not offer, that figure could be about 10x especially in a place like Utah, its one of those dumb laws that really shouldn’t be a law unless in a HOA


It costs more than you think, it is usually a 3GPM faucet head that is used to feed a 50’ Diameter circle, at the current reclaimed (read cheaper) water price of $0.00401 per gallon for the first 3,000 Gallons and $0.00414 per gallon after that, assuming a 60 x 120 plot you would need about 6 sprinklers, taking that into account you are suppose to leave it on for 20 min, so 6 sprinklers x 3 GPM x 20 min= 360 gallons per day, watering every day for a month will give you 10,800, now that will be 3000 gals at $0.00401, or $12.03, and an additional 7,800 gal at $0.00414 per gal, or $32.29 a month, that is $44.32, now times 12 months that is $531.84 per year just to water your lawn

EDIT: that took way to long to actually do, and I now realize that I probable should have been doing real work


hahahaha, i swear since ive joined this site, no matter what it is, someone has a math problem to figure out to the exact decimal point on how much something costs, how much gas you use, or whatever… i think its funny as hell… i hate math, good thing im in finance huh ???

Good to see. I was happy when Tonawanda fined a scumbag down the street for not maintaining his. Move into an apartment if you can’t do yard work.



Regardless, it’s a law in that community. If you can’t follow that law you shouldn’t be living there.


Oops. Time to arrest everyone in Utah having buttsecks

^ If it’s a law, and you get caught, then yes.

Look, I’m all for fighting unjust laws. I loved the idea of the 55 mph cruise from Buffalo to Albany when Hillary the Cunt started talking about lowering the speed limit back to 55. Or the organized fight against the unjust tolls on the 190.

The problem in this case is she decided to try fighting the law with some beat cop. That cop doesn’t get to choose which laws he wants to enforce.

I think a lot of you are missing the real important issue here. Does anyone realize how many blades of grass have been neglected and malnourished to the point of death? That is unacceptable. Save the grass people, SAVE THE GRASS!!!

This is a huge problem…imagine with all the extra water laying around, what people would do with it. Punk kids might take that extra water and create water balloons with it. Then what would you do when your pants are wet? Thats right you better water that lawn.

“Hey you punk kids, get off my lawn!”

Is there a law in that town that you must have lawn/grass?
take that bitches!

I don’t plan on cutting my grass at my new house.
I hope EA doesn’t ahve an issue with that.


I’m not trying to start shit, at all, but I see you say this shit in a lot of posts. Do you really think it’s that cool to hit a girl? I mean, did your parents do this shit in front of you? I don’t get it. You’re obsessed with dudes hitting women. Just saying…


I also don’t think it’s okay for you (women) to vote in NYspeed polls.

I don’t think it’s okay for you to OWN a nyspeed screen name…I think it would be okay though for you (women) to be able to rent a screen name…for a nominal fee.


she should be put down



what do they call that? YouthInAsia or something?


I also don’t think it’s okay for you (women) to vote in NYspeed polls.

I don’t think it’s okay for you to OWN a nyspeed screen name…I think it would be okay though for you (women) to be able to rent a screen name…for a nominal fee.


On a second note… I don’t want to offend you.

But umm… I don’t think it’s right to hit a women for no reason…but it’s also not right to burn dinner. In that case, hit away