If you start up you PC and there is a blue window up that says Windows Piracy…someone else has used your windows account…you need to reactivate you windows account…you need to enter credit card info. Then if you click no your PC shuts down. This is a SCAM. I called windows about it and they said it just came out like 2 days ago and it is just a way to steal your credit card #.

I had to restart my PC in safe mode (F8) and go to and run a scan. It didn’t work so I restarted in safe mode again and just restored my PC to an earlier date. So far everything seems fine.

If this happens to you here is the phone # to call for help: 1-800-936-5700.

another + for windows users.

Enjoy your kernal panics and over priced hardware:itr41:

so glad i run linux on my machines that matter

Ubuntu and Gentoo Linux FTW.

thats beat

ubuntu + automatix + beryl > windoze

sabayon x64 FTW!


Anyone that puts in their CC# is a moron that deserves to be fleeced.

True… although I still :love: my mac

Spyware FTW! Windoze FTL!

If linux and mac’s were used by more than 8 people worldwide, there would be just as much spyware and virus’s for them.

Even with all of the windows flaws, it’s still 100x better than a mac or linux.



my latest proposal for the mac users was to replace the hardware with windows machines or run vm workstations with xp virtual machines… lol


Same here. :slight_smile: