I fancy to ask customary participants shift518.gom-host.com .
impart see fit, can I conglomerate all reports and links posted on the forum. Thanks in contribute to …
you’re gayyyyyyy:down:down:down:down:down
i fancy my consideration for you to leave.
I’m a customary participant, but you better shut up before I smack you in the mouth!
i don’t fancy this.
Are you a sexual predator?
no, but you are.
I know you are but what am I?
not fancy.
pics of paul standing next to hynudai, need new aviatar
go find them. Theyre still in the thread.
ok, now i’m gettin angry… i quouted this pic but the pic came up and i needed just the link like it did on smf… WTFFFF
right click and then click on properties and copy the url
Paul, I made you a sig.
I look like Im about 4’8" and 300 pounds in that pic
That’s what resizing a picture does Paul.
so you guys like the new bot friends? LOL