I hate hate hate how our justice system picks and chooses who they want to charge and that the judges are so bias about things. This should be impartial and anyone; judge, governor, prosecutor, whatever that isn’t should get locked up.
I’ve been saying it for months, they will throw Biden under the buss and but Michelle O in…
Ive heard that basically EVERY engineering co-op resume that has made it thru whatever corporate HR co-op office we have now has been a diverse. And most, if not all, have been awful.
I’m really questioning when will this all stop? Does the average public want this? Do they want to pay for this? My mind is melting, should I just move to Mexico?
Its funny that you say that, I’ve been to Mexico a few time for work. I don’t mind it. There however are cities full of expats, and the Mexicans hate it because its driving the incredibly cheap housing in the area wayyyy up haha.
I’ll say it again… thank god for Matt Gaetz (even if he is a turd half the time). You know damn well Kevin McCarthy would have pushed this through the house.
And to close with the most cringe thing so far of 2024… Biden eating fried chicken and talking about basketball with some black folks while looking like your sad grandparent in a nursing home that can’t quite remember how to hold food… Really… watch the video on X