Edit: Is @1QIKZ in town?
Does not really fit meme thread but meh.
I bet pelosi is one of them
My only only use for 150 yards is if there’s a deer in the scope. Other than that, I dont waste my time. If you cant hit a cantelope with a scoped rifle at that range, you’re not a “sniper”, youre a “shooter” at best.
CIA was on the water tower silly.
I was trying to find google maps of the area to find the water tower, but my phone must be wierd.
i think it’s weird when people aren’t conspiracy theorists now… i’m like a ‘go to’ guy now for people who are suddenly fully on the conspiracy train and i just smile while they have the same fits of rage over the latest thing that I was having 4 years ago over covid
its not even conspiracy anymore, its following the money and realizing this is how the world works
^ I’m posting these two a 2nd time because… we’re all on the same page now right? This now puts it WAY past the incompetence theory and securely into the, “the secret service were trying to get Trump killed” theory. BEFORE Trump went on stage the secret service knew they had someone on the roof that was their #1 security concern for the site. That they let him go on stage anyway goes FAR beyond incompetence. All they had to do was say over the radio, “hold on potus, investigating possible threat on rooftop” and he never goes up there making himself a target.
This vid…
Wrong ear….
It’s mirrored image and it’s the wrong side of the hat. He was shot in the right ear, the side of the hat that said 45-47…. You guys fell for a deep fake lol
Gonna preface this batch with the fact that I’m old and was asleep for the Trump speech. Going to watch when I get home from work though. Sounds like he nailed it.
The speech was good in my opinion, but I don’t watch many of these things so I don’t have much to compare to. I enjoyed that he only had a handful of pseudo insults for the other side and he focused on the issues of the country and the items he plans to address, including 2-3 Day 1 changes.
LMAO I have no idea who she is but this is hilarious