I guess I support BLM now…
Kroger fucked around and found out.
Gonna get out ahead on this one and say Bankman-Fried didn’t kill himself…
Definitely not mental illness…
the “some men get periods” fucking kills me. Sent that to everyone in my phone.
You know what? Fuck this all.
I’ve been trying to be just as vocal and unapologetic as liberals lately, voicing my opinion more and more in the open regarding the BS that the left is spewing. Conservatives are usually quiet, to themselves and just want to be left alone, and normally that’s true for me. But I’m tired of the war against MY beliefs and the forcing of the lefts. It’s time to be unapologetically conservative.
In before ‘Motocrossx23 didn’t hang himself’.
No hanging here, I go out with a bang.
don’t red flag me, this is a joke
I read that as having high blood pressure and a certain physical activity.
What else could it even mean?
mmmmm… salty
Took me a minute to dissect this one because I refuse to learn their pronoun bullshit, but translated it means a man who dresses like a woman knocked out a woman who dresses like a man at a hockey game for the mentally ill.
heavy sad sigh
Allie’s former boss is definitely based as fuck
This should go great with “died suddenly”
That is not a picture from the movie Alien (1979) though.
She was dressed like this the WHOLE movie:
Timeless hawt
I think I am permanently banned on Facebook for sharing memes from here. Fucking commies. Lol
Holy crap, a ghost of Christmas past shows up. How you been?
Everything is great, family, business, etc. How about you?
I actually visit here somewhat regularly to steal memes.
It’s funny that I have been shit posting on FB for years and now with the Twitter happenings they ban me.