Ill never believe it, everyone is out to get money and Ben could probably get any girl he wants anyway…
He could, which is why it would seem completely surreal to him if/when a girl like that shuts him down…and he wouldn’t know how to process the rejection, other than to do the same thing he does with every other chick.
We don’t know what really happened, that’s why it’s gone as far as it has.
Why the hell would she be fixing a tv? They dont have a maintenance staff?
yeah and ben is out to protect his money… is it out of the realm that Ben, who’s known to not have great judgement, could have been ripped and thought she was playing hard to get? take ur steelers blinders off for a sec. Yes a lot of times girls are out to get money and a lot of times athletes celebs take what they want. You wouldnt even beleive how some of the lowest athletes…Pittsburgh Pirates… have a sense of entitlement. Steelers are treated like kings in the city. They never pay for meals, everything is done for them… etc etc…
There was a good article about Bernie Kosar in the PG last week. about how he didnt even know how to do the simple things in life like wash and iron clothes because he had everything done for him for so long. After years of royal treatment they tend to lose the reality that most of us live in on a daily basis.
I just find it stupid to automatically think the girl “wanted it” or “she lying to get money” It’d be a whole different story if it was ur sister, cousin, daughter…etc… As some one who is interested in psychology i know that people surpress or handle things different ways. Just because time has passsed and/or she didnt run to the police doesnt mean much. I had a friend who was raped and she moved right on with her life, others do not and it ends up in depression or worse. thats why i’m sitting back on this one and say it could go either way.
Holy shit. Excellent post. Clear, concise, intelligent, well thought out…
From what I’ve heard so far, I’m going to have to lean on the side of this bitch being out for a paycheck. I think there is something to be said for her not filing any sort of criminal charges, and waiting over a year to do anything civilly. Plus, the whole “Ben asked me to come in and fix his TV” story is rather unbelievable.
Also, what are you basing your claim of him not being known for making good decisions?
riding a motorcycle with no helmet, riding a motorcycle fast with no helmet…having causual sex with lots of girls exposes urself to this shit (if she is lying). I’m done hearing ben is a young guy… people his age have families and house mortgages… everytime i think he’s grown up he takes a step back. loved his play this season too. me and my friends even stopped calling him big bitch.
they had something on the news today about her making these accusations towards others before this. so shes done this before. gonna have to say shes out for some money.
you beleive the news? :kekegay: they would smear mother theresa if she she dare make accusations against the steelers QB…
lol well then i guess the whole thing must be fake if it was in the news in the first place then right? where do you get your info from that you know so much about him??? or do you just know him personally??? wouldnt really say espn or nfl network side with the steelers on everything.
annnyways…if there is proof that she has cried wolf before then fuck her. sure, maybe he is a giant retard who would stick it in whatever hole was in front of him…doesnt mean he rapes people.
ask yourself these questions:
is draggin urself in front of the media to take on a celeb like ben worth the money when you know they are gonna make you look like a POS? and there is no garrentee of money!
what lawyer would take her case is there wasnt some merrit to it?
they waited a year till he came back for that golf tournament to serve him while he was in town.
shes as innocent until proven guilty as him.
i would say espn is a lil more credible than the rooney influenced pittsburgh media…i love the PG how they ran an article about people going after athletes money right under the story about this. that paper stinks to high heaven. OHHH the typical steeler fan comment…“nfl network…dont like the steelers…blah blah blah” look this isnt 1990 when bob trumpy had good reason to not like the steelers because mel blount knocked his hearing out in one ear…this isnt john madden still bitter over the immaculate reception, this isnt collinsworth pissed cause he played for the bungles…these are career journalists at espn. Not to say they can;t be biased too but its not like a political thing with the national news.
I got a superbowl ring, bitch you better give up that pussy
Hate to tell you this but the courts dont “wait a year to serve someone” just because they know hes coming back and are too lazy to serve him in pgh. If theres a legitimate claim they serve you in a timely manner so the plaintiff gets the “speedy trial” thats deserved.
As far as the going in front of the media to look like a POS comment. people do it all the time for money or a chance in the spotlight. Do you honestly think anna nicole smith married howard marshall because she “loved” him? no she did it becuase shes a gold digger and it made her look like a ridiculous pos. im sure i could go on naming similar instances but the fact is shes only out for the money and the recognition. Publicity is publicity to some people even if its negative. If your so in to Psychology then you would know that some people act out negatively for attention.
Now why in the world would you do that. He’s still a big bitch. Every tackle is met with a
just because in the past some girls have made false claims doesnt make her one of the them and just because in the past athletes have raped girls doesnt mean Ben did. To paraphrase Chris Rock " if ben drove a bus he’d be Ben Rothelisburger the bus driving rapist"
I’ll bet he refused to settle out of court and civil court rules are lack the evidence rules that a criminal case have (which is BS in my mind). Even if the hotel might have rebuffed her, than why did she not contact the Police right away? There is a thing called cell phones. The timing of the court case seems to point all the money grubbing bitch! Is she claiming the kid is Ben’s?
what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
that would mean the police would have to get off their cell phones to investigate… there are a lot of reasons one would not go to the police against a famous person… i think you might be able to come up with a few on ur own.
ben’s lawyer " ben never assulted any woman…especially this one" haha and he probably pays the guy big bucks…
let me be the first to say…no hockey, no care