Anyone following the Duke rape case?

I guess I’m only interested because Duke is nearby where I’ll be moving in ~1 month.


I’d be willing to bet that those guys drugged her.
If I had to guess on the outcome; I’d say they’ll probably get away with it too.
Fuckin’ scumbags. :tdown:

i’ve got zero respect for strippers. i don’t feel bad saying that i really don’t care if she got raped.

i heard on the news that one of the guys being accused served community service for gay bashing in d.c. (i believe thats where it was, not sure though) a few years back, so i wouldnt be suprised if they raped a black stripper…sorta fits the profile of a spoiled racist asshole.

[font=Verdana][size=2]while i do agree with you on that to some extent; i have [font=Verdana][size=2]significantly less respect for these trust fund faggots that think they can get away with murder. :shrug:[/size][/font]


Roberts says she changed her mind about whether the other woman had been raped. (She is careful to say that her version of events has not changed—just her opinion of what might have happened when the woman was out of her sight.) She was affected by news of the medical report. She had not noticed any swelling in the face of the other woman, but her lawyer told her that facial swelling often takes a couple of hours to show.

bahahaha. Elizabeth Loftus is watching, deary. :eyebrow:

I like how they beat some people up at Georgetown, but because they had the money to get themselves out of it the media didn’t get a hold of it (or were paid off). If I were to do that, I surely would be burned in my own 15 minute spotlight. Justice in America? Hardly.

They probably did something to her, but they won’t be convicted. This is America… we need scumbags to run Wallstreet, the country, and be lawyers. They need to protect their kind.

Have they been convicted? How do you all know they raped her?

convicted? i highly doubt that they’ll be convicted… what’s more it’ll easily take months for any sort of outcome.

did you mean to say charged?

innocent until proven guilty. everyone is talking like we know they did it.

that’s like saying i don’t feel bad when skinny little girly kids get their ass beat for talking shit. i guess it’s true i don’t.



ah, devil’s advocate. :stuck_out_tongue:

so… then the question becomes: who has what to gain, and why? that i really don’t know.

logical thinking would suggest that one would not drug another person without some type of “mens rea” [that is to say that drugging someone is something that you knowingly and intentionally do with a morally blameworthy state of mind]; but that has yet to be proven either. if the toxicology screening does come back for drugs, the defense is going to argue that she must have used them before she arrived anyway…

btw i do have to add that Jesse Jackson’s involvement in this case is :rolljerk:





“Want me to punch-a-size for face…for free?”

Oh an BTW, strippers vs hookers or whores is totally night and day. If a girl is blessed with a killer body and she is using being a stripper to put herself through school or pay the bills because she is a single mom, that’s cool as hell and should not be looked down upon. No way does being a stripper guarantee that you suck dick behind closed doors or fuck anything that moves. Newman, you’ve probably never been to a strip club before or at least one that involves women taking thier clothes off but they have all the power in that place so I think your judgement about strippers being the lowest common denominator is a bit harsh…

never been to a strip club.
never want to.
it’s fucking trashy.

no respect.

Blame the victim much.

so is dating 16 year old girls when your anything over 21

i played football and went to school with the defenseman from OP.

:word: I have no respect for guys who sleeping with underage girls… Plain and simple…

if your bed was overflowing with hot 14 year old girlsyou’d dive right in. lolz.