Anyone following the Duke rape case?

Fuck yeah.

That depends if they had their braces off yet and if they took their My Little Pony to bed with them too… :wink:

yeah fuck that braces shit. it’s like having sex with a blender. OT. i don’t think i ever kissed anyone with braces ever. weird…

i was friends with hank the tank ohara as well

Right now you have defense attorneys trying the case in the media, and a prosecutor using the case to advance his political career, so anyone who says they’re siding one way or the other on this is simply a racist. No one knows the true facts, which will come out at TRIAL.

Unfortunately, due to the race/class card, most people have already decided this case in their minds. A lot of rich whites think she’s trash, so she’s lying. A lot of poor blacks think it’s a case of rich white preppies raping a black girl because they’re privileged and think they can get away with it.

Luckily, cases like these are tried in courts of law, where rules of evidence apply and most moronic thoughts get weeded out. The evidence the defense has leaked to the press is pretty convincing, but who knows if it’s legit or not since it hasn’t been accepted by a court yet.

You don’t live here, so I can forgive the fact that you are WRONG WRONG WRONG. The prosecutor is trying to avoid full on riots. Durham’s town/gown relations have been ass for a long time, and this could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. If no action was taken this shit would look like Watts. Think I’m exadurating? Google Durham School board. There is a whole lot of inequality and lack of economic opportunity right next to a school of privledge. Right next to one of the fastest growing cities in the US. Right next to the home of some of the richest pharmacutical companies in the world.

Now, I don’t know and can’t decide who I think is lying. Here is what I do know, I’m thinking white laccrosse players outnumber black ones 10:1. I’m also thinking that white strippers outnumber black ones 7:1. There was not one, but two black strippers at this party. Every time I’ve ever seen a stripper take her clothes off, she’s had a huge guy with a gun watching her back, yet there was no one looking out for these two girls? DUMB DUMB DUMB! These facts bother me more than any of the other so called facts of this case. I don’t know, maybe I’m a racist. Maybe the entire team has a thing for black chicks and I’m provincial. I could be wrong, but the laws of averages say these kids had something very not cool in mind.

BTW this case is way too complicated for simplify it to say that if someone takes a side they are a racist. Things are even more complicated than the national media would have you believe.

Well, if you decide a case without really knowing the facts, simply basing your opinions, either for or against one side or the other based on race, that to me is a racist. Sorry if I’m PC sugar coating it.

Like I said before, anyone that passed judgement on these kids before this got to trial is a moron. Now that the legal system has run it’s course we find out the real truth, and as I suspected it was nothing close to the media circus when the story broke.

Where’s Sharpton and Jackson now?


Where’s Sharpton and Jackson now?


refusing to apologize thats for sure. The worst thing to happen to black people, is these two guys standing up for black rights


Like I said before, anyone that passed judgement on these kids before this got to trial is a moron. Now that the legal system has run it’s course we find out the real truth, and as I suspected it was nothing close to the media circus when the story broke.

Where’s Sharpton and Jackson now?


You can’t blame EVERYTHING on whitey, that’s for sure. Glad to see that douche got what he deserved.