Big Reds other red car MK2 content

what do you think im rich or something lol

I took the flaps off for the winter so I didnt loose them

more being like pete. less buying Krylon touch and you too can have new side skirts :lol

well for the last two weeks I have zero income, so I dont have any money to spend, I just made the payment for the grey car, im buying a 400 transmission swap this weekend, selling my ronals for 650 and I still need to buy a 300 clutch kit. Oh did I mention that I also have a 300 car ins bill due on the 24th? I have NO money the side skirts are the LAST thing im worried about. Dont worry all of the trim will be taken care of come psing time, same thing with the paint.

mmm clutches. i cant wait to buy my new one :ohnoes

i just paid my insurance too. 46 bucks :excited

On daddy’s policy?


ive been on my own policy since i was 17, thank you

46 is my winter policy, still full coverage. in the summer when im driving the gti i pay about 106.

haha I wish
the jetta is on my own I pay around 1300 a year for it. hence my $320 bill every 3 months. I dont pay shit for the terminator cause its winter and not on the road.

I was referring to Brett lol

How much fo you pay for full coverage on zee terminatah


dave lets play a game…its called lets make a deal… i have a G60 flywheel and a good clutch… i have pictures, but youre more than welcome to come look at it. ill be home all day

Pm me with your best price so we dont have to haggle

thats half the fun :lol

send me a PM lol

Dave this shit DOES look good.

I can’t wait till all this snow melts and doesn’t come back for a looonnnnnnnggg time :banghead

Dave, your car is a pile of shit :slight_smile:

lol cant wait to see the fucking mustang!!! on the road (my new honda reference)

why the FUCKIN MUSTANG? lol

havent seen it since synapse… and now the only mustang around that i like (suck a fatty adam :rofl) since what his face decided to take his out in the winter. :retardclap

vdub i just seen, so its not so speical. :smiley:

I saw this pile last night

How did you get such cheap insurance? Im a few years old than you and have a clean record and I pay about $138 a month now for the truck and the shitbox. It actually went down $2 a month when switching from the Elantra to the F150.