Big Red's Vee Dubya

spin spin spin spin

what are you some kind of serial killer?

oh not this again.

hahaha calm down walker texas ranger

Dave is the new whip at your house yet

nope,I gotta go to dirty jerz in a bit to go get it. Im pickin up a new set of rims for it too.

Go get it now.

hey BUSTA …calm down


only you drive me there to get it lol

Kids balling out of control

great pics

Hey Dan, can we set up a shoot for my hatch?

certainly PM me

can we do this on a monday :slight_smile: i woulda went when you text me for the supra shoot but lyle and charlie was up so i had to see them. i will deff come for this so let me know dan, and i havnt seen Stallmer in like years cuz he never picks his PHONE up you putz lol

ahh well you missed a good time with the supras (plural) we only had 3 in the parking lot

Yes, yes you did.

yeah i really wanted to go but i didnt have a car and i was riding with Chris so i went where he went ya know. + i had to see Charlie, hes only got 4 days and hes bye bye to Iraq for a year

I always have surprise guests when I roll!! :ninja

Yea guys in subarus, cops, hicks in lifted trucks reving … Ya know guests