big thanks to b-rad

for helping with my super huge pain in the ass timing belt/water pump/ thermostat shit this weekend :beer: much appreciated!

he’s gay


you should be happy he helped you. i know he didn’t want to do the cylinder head again.

ya the weekend he got his car done he came over and was like were doing your timing belt/ water pump asap, saves me a 900 tab at pgh crank!

cool. how’s it running?

like a car!

like a car!

its still not going at full throttle. its misfiring like it was when we took it for a test drive… as long as im just putzing along its ok… thus begins a whole nother set of issues…did you get the vagcom? i need to check it out!

Not sure if Sonny got it. we’ll need to use ur laptop for the serial com port.