Josh, Newman, Skunk, Zong, Newman’s squeeze…
for coming out to mine and melissa’s stag and doe last night.
yeah i guess i should send out a card or do this in pm’s but whatev.
It’s been a day since the stag and the more i think about it the more appreciative i become about some things and less so about others.
eg. long time friends of both melissa and i, many of whom were recently married and whose stag and does and weddings we went to basically snubbed us for no apparent reason, even with plenty of notice.
there were literally 40 - 50 people like this who went so far as to contact us throughout the week and express their intent to come, told us they had gifts to put into the raffle etc. and didnt show.
friends so close we dont even shake hands when we see them, its just understood that no greeting is necessary… they dont show.
some of them live less than a 3 minute drive from us.
and yet there are guys who i have only known for a year or so (or as little as 2 months) who drive an hour or more, cross that border and come and chill for hours even though this might not have been the most interesting thing to do that night.
its a strange thing to have put into perspective and rather than struggle to put it into type form in some elaborate thank you post i’ll just say i wish i could take back 40+ invitations and hand them out to some of you guys.
no one even bothered to show up from SON240sx aside from all my local buddies, but then again they (the SON demographic) are not really the same calibre of folk as most of the crew here.
in closing, if i ever flake on something with any of you cats you call me up and bitch at me like i just gave you aids, because i dont to ever pull the type of shit on people that got pulled on melissa and i yesterday…
heck, i dont even really care myself, but melissa 3 took days off work to share her efforts with our friends and well i guess we found out who they really are.
thanks very much guys.