Biggest Life FAIL ever today.

Shit Wayne, that sucks. Yeah NY sucks, it really does. I’m thinking about moving.

sorry to hear that bro… that sucks

don’t think i’m backing out of GPNY though. I’m still fucking going… lol shit i was injured the last time too! lol

That sucks man, i had a similar injury this year too, broke my kneecap clean in half, had to have it pinned back together and months of PT…i almost slipped the other day on it and had a flashback of PT and all that shit all over again…i HATE this weather!

it pisses me off how ridiculously fragile shit like that is.

If it makes you feel any better, I’ve had a shoulder injury I’ve been trying to heal for the past four years. No such luck. Every time I’m close, I hurt it again.

dude that blows, wtf fuck knees you dont need them anyway.

at least it wasn’t my trigger hand / finger… so we’re still good for the weekend :slight_smile:

My dad fucked up his knee pretty bad about 10 years ago when our old dog tripped him on the stairs. He was out of work for 6 months or more and had physical therapy alot. I dont remember him having surgery.

He fucked it up a few more times after that and its never been right since. He’s always complaining about it.

yup!!1 i know all about that. had 16 days of vacation. went back to work on monday. parking lot was an ice rink. went about 4ft. twisted new. Dr. took me out of work for 4 days awaiting results to find out if anything tore.

on the good side atleast it wasn’t as bad as last year.

i remember our discussion about this not that long ago Hank… it appears that you are a fucking jynx my friend.

:frowning: Yep. The “pop” is notorious. I am on my 3rd ACL replacement so I can relate.

You might want to wait a bit if you can to avoid not dealing with the weather and crutches.

You should also get a MRI ASAP. The “pop” is not good but maybe if you stretched the shit out of it, they can heat up the ACL and have it re-tighten.

just got back from the docs… acl graft is still tight, x-ray shows no broken bones (the particular areas i have pain i guess is kinda common to crack). thinks i just twisted it pretty good. gave me a brace to wear for the time being. go back in 3 weeks for check up. i’ll be good ! i’m wicked happy it aint fucked up!

damn bro, see what wheelies do to ya?!

Good to hear Wayne!

good news

i can’t wait to get back on a machine! :smiley:

thanks to all who posted positive thoughts! its appreciated.

NY is the greatest state in the nation-deal with it.

Glad to hear its not torn, I had my acl replaced a few yrs back and I never ever wish to go through that again. Hope it starts feelin better in a week or two!