Bike > cop

I’m suprised this wasn’t posted …

searched “bike cop”; bicycle cop; bicycle police


HAHAHAHA, I cant believe the trucker tried to take him out.

hahahahaha :tup:

awesome. you can really haul on a good roadbike. I can do ~30mph (maybe more) and I’m just decent. haven’t ridden for like a month and made it from w. delavan and elmwood to south campus, into my class at parker hall, in 13 minutes. less time than it takes me to drive there.


awesome vid

so fake … no way he accellerated that fast to slip past the semi

and if you watch the cars heading the other direction, its obvious the vid has been sped up

im sure the real video has him doing like 20-25mph, and that the vehicals ahead of him have been slowed down by officers ahead

:lolham: Wow, nice job trucker

Go Lance go!

Hollllly shiiiit that was fugin awesome.

Edit: Totally fake.


wierd but i actually know where that vid is from… . its specialized bikes website and they had that video on there as an advertisement. kinda funny but most deff fake.

Who cares if its fake. Still Awesome.

wtf thats awsome!!!



I tried to do that on a scooter once… fukin cop ran over my brake foot… I lost control, and fricken curbed it.

thats one lucky mofo.

lmao. good find,.

you can tell its fake when the guy says hes blind

What the hell kind of bike was that?

hahaha, that’s sweet