A man on a BICYCLE outruns cops.....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

:eek: :owned:

:x: :smiley:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

was that xlogic?

Been there done that,juts not on the highway :slight_smile:

WTF. Weirdo

:wtf: gayest reply ever

well arent you mr. run from the cops?


prob fake but goes back to a post awhile when i said about truckers tryin to play the hero and fuckin shit up. just pull over like everyone else and let the cops handle it…retards

Out of all the videos I’ve seen the truckers have only done something useful maybe once…

it’s fake.

it’s a commercial… viral advertising.


he shoulda dipped through the woods, that always works!