Biker's lawsuit against NY state

Yep, just likeentering into ANY type of contract. You voluntarily waive / agree to certain things. eg- “Employment at will” agreements & employee handbooks state you agree to certain things. Such is.

Yep. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason.

Oh I know it happens, just the way he worded it sounded very naive.

Like WERE the only ones that get shit like that and should be punished.

OBVIOUSLY we know that this shit is illegal, just like you car guys know too.

I’m just getting sick of this fucking hate for motorcyclists lately, everyone jump on the fucking bandwagon.

I think the same for cars. If you put illegal shit on your car, you have ZERO right to bitch when you get cited for it.


Edit - Not to mention it is ABSURD to claim that getting tickets and fines for breaking known laws that are not unreasonable and not unfair is hindering your amendment rights to assemble.

What’s the difference between a Harley and a Hoover?

Fair enough, it just seemed your OP was very biased.

I agree, Pay2Play, but when they are obviously singling out select groups of motorists in the hopes of making quick money off of them, that seems to be very scummy on NYS’s part IMO

what, are you new here? :slight_smile:

YOU TAKE THAT BACK… NYS has always been known for upholding a proper level of dignity and class when it comes to EVERY facet of government and regulation!!!

It is kind of weak, but at the same time, put yourself in their shoes. You have a gathering of people who knowingly violate laws, all in one spot. You can bring in a LOT of money off citations. And frequently you will have neighbourhood support because it lessens tax burdens on the area while targeting a group that is often not viewed totally positively by the community, They do it with bikes, they do it with types of cars. And it goes on all around the country.

Meh, there is a statistic out there for every view point. If the ricers at Carlisle weren’t made up of poor mexicans that spent all their money on shitty cars they could have a lawyer writing up the same thing.

Lots of violations occur at any type of rally, bike or otherwise. Everything from illegal modifciations to moving violations to alcohol. The police are going to be there to keep the ass hattery down (and generate revenue). People will still go.

The officers wrote 84 tickets to bikers who were wearing illegal helmets, 19 for motorcycles that had illegally modified exhaust systems and 32 tickets for other unspecified Vehicle & Traffic Law violations.

I know it sucks, but it seems just like a traffic stop. They will write your car up for inspection, no front plate, or what ever else they want to. It just sucks that they do it right outside large events, but it is the smartest thing to do for the state.

Truckers have weight stations that will right them up.

Cars have check points every now and then.

Now bikes too have check points.


Driving the vette through a traffic stop with old registration and no front plate. Cop looks at the reg, walks back and looks at the plate. (They were 2 different numbers, which I knew because I hadn’t switched the sticker yet.) Looks all confused, and asks if I have a cam in the car. I say yup, love it! He says have a nice day looking all dumb fat and confused. :mamoru:

When did it become socially acceptable for police to write tickets, to make money? The fines are there to help improve safety. It seems that now, it is perfectly OK to write tickets only to tax the people and make money.

Not crying about this doesn’t mean that one doesn’t ride.

I saw a bike on the shoulder of the 90 going eastbound the other day. If was rush hour stand still traffic around 5pm, and this asshole was flying down the shoulder on the other side of the rumble strip. I was praying for a driver to open their door and send him flying.

I have drag pipes and a skull cap, If i get pulled over I deserve a ticket.