State Police setting up road blocks.

"“At the checkpoint, we’re going to be checking for unsafe tires, illegal exhaust. We’ll be making sure people have the right endorsement on their license which is a class M,” State Police Sgt. James Halverson said.

They’ll also be checking helmets, making sure every biker has a DOT certified head piece. Riders who aren’t wearing any head gear, or even riders with novelty helmets, can expect a pretty pricey ticket."

If you’re heading up to Americade, make sure you have all your T’s crossed and I’s dotted.

From what I heard last night, route 9 has check points as well, and 87 has them even south bound. Pretty much if you’re going in there, you will get checked.

In case you decide to run there are two troopers sitting in their cars waiting to go as well as a state helicopter.

Uncontrolled gas prices
Iraq War costing MILLIONS a day
Consumer good prices soaring
US dollar puking

Oh noes! ILLEGAL EXHAUST! :ahh

Yea i saw on the news out of 125 riders stopped, 48 got tickets! Wtf they have nothing better to do, im going to be an officer eventually and would be pissed if i had to do that. I think loud exhaust on a bike is more or less a safety item so retards dont mow you over if they cant see you…

sounds like a good reason to do it, actually. If all you bastards weren’t breaking the law then they wouldn’t setup such road blocks since it would be a waste of time ;D

Given our current problems, it is.

The funny thing is that around here, the cops speed/run redlights/stop signs and this includes the traffic authority SUVs. :nono

They definatly do…CITIZENS ARREST!!!

State police want to put the breaks on a disturbing trend.


But yeah that is just discouraging to see…hopefully it won’t take away from Americade.

oh I know there are better things to be done, but if they can get a big chunk of revenue in a short amount of time, do you really blame them?

WERD! I see it all the time in downtown albany. Just yesterday I was behind a cop at a red light, he was first car at the light and I was the second. We were sitting at the red light for a solid 10 seconds then all of a sudden he just cruises on through. He never turned on his lights or sped up like he had to be somewhere, he just decided he was too good to wait any longer. I was shocked.

The reduced expectancy concept has broadened police powers to conduct automobile searches without warrants, but they still must have probable cause to search a vehicle 62 and they may not make random stops of vehicles on the roads, but instead must base stops of individual vehicles on probable cause or some ‘‘articulable and reasonable suspicion’’ Supp.5 of traffic or safety violation or some other criminal activity.

4th Amendment

Yes, I blame them. Given the amount of tax they take from us and other problems, we really should concentrate on the real issues. That’s like changing your oil on your car that has a blown tranny. :ponder

are they waving cars through? Maybe I shouldn’t go out, I don’t want to get hassled for the tires and exhaust on my sol.

Nope, just stopping all bikes, checking for reg, ins, exhaust. Cars got nothin to do with it this week.

Why not just stop the blacks and minorities? :nono

I bet i would get plucked out of the crowd anyway. :lol

Reg, insurance, inspection, exhaust, plate mounting location, DOT helmets, proper lighting, tires, monkey bars and more.

Make sure they check your tire pressure too. Safety first!

From what I have heard from people going through the checkpoints is that its not nearly as bad as many people were worried it would be, my self included. The people I talked to said they mostly just checked reg, ins and helmets and waved ya on through.

I heard mention that they would set up something at a rest stop, almost like when trucks have to weigh in. Bikes just turn off to get inspected sort of thing…

yeah thats what we are talk about here, the rest stop right before (or is it after?) exit 18, they have signs set up directing all bikes to pull off into the rest stop…

I’m personally suprised we haven’t heard news of any bikes impounded yet.

Can ya get off a few exits early to bypass them??