State Police setting up road blocks.

Pretty sure all the other major roads have roadblocks as well, such as Rt9

I’m sure there have been already if people are riding without permits or people with permits without a licensed rider with them.

For a taste of what may be to come as the summer goes on…

NYC last year was a mine field for bikers and many people suspect that this year it will spread to the rest of the state as well. :sad

So my question is this, all these fuckin harleys with insanely loud exhaust, will they be getting ticketed for loud exhausts?

I fucking HATE them. They sound like SHIT and are INSANELY loud.


i bet if everyone would NOT go to lake george for americade just once, Lake George and the State Police might be having a little chat. If they scare 100,000 people away from a town that makes it living in the summer, they might think twice about hasseling everyone.

Same thing with the Adironadack Nationals, they are assholes that weekend. I got arrested for doing a fucking burnout! With the revenue we bring there you would think they would ease off some…jerks lol

Seriously…there were so many cops out that weekend. I think they hire extras for that weekend and probably this one too…

damn cops! ;D

They definately do, i was CLEAR before i did it and outta nowhere i get nabbed goin sideways by one lol. O well i didnt get caught for the 5-6 before that so its all good. Cant wait for this year. We should have everybody meet by the Mobile, thats where all the fun is anyways ;D

I should probably get my permit finally ::slight_smile:

Yea, i would let ya use mine, but you wouldnt pass for 205lbs lmao

I have a Class M on my license but my major question is:

For now I only have my Learners Permit (Motorcycle). If I get stopped with that when I am out on my own will they make a big deal out of it or will they just give me shit and let me go? I’ve heard both sides of this argument so I am just looking for any past experience and/or opinions

didnt they give you the temp? Like a receipt looking thing? Thats what I first got for my auto license.

Yes I have the picture ID but it is just a permit and according to NYS law the only time you are allowed to ride with a permit is with someone 21 and older who has a motorcycle license. They can follow you in a car or on another bike but they need to be with you. I am just wondering if they will really make a big deal of it if I am out on my own or not…

You’ll get slapped with operating out of class…idk where they go from there though?

I definitely wouldn’t recommend riding alone on a permit this weekend. Benny is right, it’s an operating out of class infraction and they have the right to impound you. It all depends on the cop if he wants to hit you with a slap on the wrist, but I certainly wouldn’t do it.

It’s happened to me 3 times and all 3 times it got my bikes impounded. Yes, you would think I would have learned my lesson. I’m finally getting my license in 2 weeks

there were cops at exit24 toll today abut an hour ago. they were in a couple lanes both direrections standing there hiding behind the toll booth. where the e-pass sign is that tells you to “e-zpass GO” he was staring at me hardcore until about 1/4 mile down the road when i took the exit for the northway (1N)

So they didn’t send 3 Camaros and 4 Charger police cars and a helicopter after you this time for your exhaust?

::slight_smile: :crackup


owned by joey