State Police setting up road blocks.

Or they didn’t ask to drive your car to see how fast it really was?


and no MK4 supras were following? or LS1 swapped 240’s drifting the on ramps?

the state troopers up here are stupid along with the county tools. they will pull you over for anything and everything. if they are demanded to pull over bikes they will pull over cars. they had the same problem last year just not as intense as this year. there are road blocks pretty much every which way into lake george and theres never any less then 3 together so getting by isnt really going to happen. the stupid part is i work in glens falls and its backing traffic up into glens falls. if your going to try and go go up to exit 21 and have a nice slow ride.

thats gay as fuck I wanted to go up there with some friends on bikes, I still gotta get my bike inspected I guess I’ll do it this week god dammit, im riding with permit only but getting my junk on the 12th hopefully i gotta put insurance on my bike too :smiley: muahha i dropped it for a bit because I felt like it haha

“There’s an increased number of motorcycle riders. There’s a lot of older riders who are getting new bikes who aren’t familiar with them with the technological advances and speed and performance, and there’s a lot of younger riders who are attracted to these types of bikes,” Sprague said.

older riders getting new bikes they dont know how to handle ? alot of them ? uh ?? wha?

i wouldn’t let threats scare you from going. if you get a ticket you wont see a judge 2 years from now on account of them writing more tickets then they can handle. Ill drive through thursday when they really setup and let you guys know where abouts they are but its pretty clear right now that they are every which way. :headbang but on a better note have fun crusin 90+ on the northway since they are all in lake george. havent seen one on the northway between 14-21 in the last 2 days :ponder

i only really drive on the northway south of exit 9 to albany and route 7 and 787

UGH they do that shit all the time, I got nailed looking directly at a State Po who was hiding behind a toll booth while talking on the phone, when i got my toll ticket i went to drive away and he said ‘uh, excuse me…hang up the phone and pull off to the right’

Fuck me lol

well ive never seen it b4, and i travel the north way every day for 3 years.

yeah troopers are known for hanging near the booths. i see it quite often.

on another note, i’m chipped now, so i’m using 87 to see how much faster than 130 i can go now. :tong

You mean 93? lol

ahah i think he meant I-87 (I think) but i thought he meant fuel at first too

Hate to say it but this is obviously just an attempt to make money. Do they really care if riders heads are safe? No. They need money, which is why cigs are 7.50 a pack now. Its bullshit

:+1 I completely agree!

It’s not doubt just a way to make money and make it fast. And they will make a ton… thats why I don’t blame them.

I wish they cost more. fuck you smokers

Interesting. We had this same discussion a while back and you justified it. Perhaps because your dad is a cop? I never understood it.

But, you are right. I do think everyone probably knows this or at least I hope. The same reason why IRS is going to crack down this year and why Amazon/NewEgg tax laws are being enforced.

I think our old conversation was about random pull overs of people for minor things. i think that is diff than taking an entire faction of state troopers putting this much time and effort into something for petty things like this. Its a waste of resources.

If they want to have a detail for special things Ide say instead of telling bikers to get a helmet, on the thruway, where if they go down if theyre screwed even if theyre wearing a bionic fucking diamond super heated never cracked helmet, maybe they should have a drunk driving detail or seomthing else that matters a little.

BTW don’t get mad at the cops, theyre getting paid time and a half probably or double time, I’de work that detail too :slight_smile:

They do, they’re called blanket patrols.

Fair enough.

I still maintain that most cops sole purpose is to tax the middle class. We have other problems to deal with than hiring people to follow around people and give them exhaust tickets.

Watch “cops” if you think thats really what they do. In their downtime they give tickets.

And Jrubino what im saying is have another one instead of this helmet ticket fiasco.

haven’t you ever watched gumball/teckademics movies?

they go after upper class even the same, if not more.

cops love nailing ferraris/lambos/etc