whats going on in amherst lately?

so last night about 12, i leave transit bowling lanes after bowling there with my friends. so we drive down main, and right after i pass Youngs, i get pulled over. i ended up getting a tint ticket (fucker i just got my tints put on Wednesday afternoon and already had to rip them off o well) and threatened with quite a few more. so between main and harlem the rest of the way home, we see 12 more Amherst cops. kind of odd.

fast forward to tonight. We went out for dinner at Fridays on Main and Transit. as soon as we pull out of Fridays onto Main, we see one cop. ok. then we see a few more driving and chilling in parking lots. right about the same spot i got pulled over the previous night, a cop starts following me. like really close. as in the only way i knew he was behind me was i saw the top of a car with a light bar. i could not see his headlights thats how close he was. so i do exactly the speed limit, and he follows me for a mile and a half. finally, he whips out from behind me, almost causes an accident to get around me and my friend (who is in front of me) cuts my friend off, and gets behind another car. follows him for a while, then gets back in the other lane and eventually turns off. throughout that same stretch of main between transit and harlem, we saw 8 amherst cops tonight.

wtf is going on? i travel main street fairly often in the later hours of the evening, and have never seen anything like this. i think im going to avoid main st at night from now on because it makes me nervous driving down there with all those cops around. i dont have anything illegal on my car (anymore) but still just makes me nervous. so whats going on in amherst?

tax dollars at work :slight_smile:

that your scared thats whats going on. no but they have been out alot latly. i have seen quite a few of them i think they are trying to start the season early by trying to catch quite a few of us to teach us a lesson i guess.


i get pulled over. i ended up getting a tint ticket (fucker i just got my tints put on Wednesday afternoon and already had to rip them off o well)


You actually removed the tint? :gotme: hmmm…

yea i noticed mad cops out lately waiting in parking lots alot.

i knew that was you

i woulda pulled over if he was tailing me…let him pass, or let him pull up behind you, and when he asks why you pulled over, you say you thought some drunk was on you and you didn’t want to get into an accident…


You actually removed the tint? :gotme: hmmm…


well, it was either that or pay the fine. i’ll just get them redone when it warms up and i drive with my windows down. oh and i just took off the ones on the doors. i left the others on.


well, it was either that or pay the fine. i’ll just get them redone when it warms up and i drive with my windows down. oh and i just took off the ones on the doors. i left the others on.


ahh…What is the fine in amherst? I know kenmore is $50…been there.

Hahaa I thought the same thing to myself when we were heading home, they are like rats now…You can see them everywhere even in Tonawanda esp down the Blvd. also:ohnoes:

ghey, this is why southtowns>* wny


ahh…What is the fine in amherst? I know kenmore is $50…been there.


they would not even tell me unless i pleaded guilty, which they said would require me coming to court to plead guilty (doing so by mail was apparently not an option), then id have to come BACK to court again to try and get it knocked down to something else or pay it. at that second court date, they would tell me how much it would cost (I called the court today and asked for some info and thats what they told me). so, i figure by this point, i would have wasted so much time that i would just be better off taking them off and then getting them re-done over summer. even if i did go and fight it, id have to pay money anyway, and id be willing to bet that the cost of the ticket would outweigh the cost of getting 2 windows re-tinted.

:lol: at the tint ticket. When I saw your post about you getting tint I thought to myself, “What a dumbass. He’s just going to get a ticket within the first week”. You didn’t even make it that long.

Face it, if you drive in Amherst, Tonawanda or Kenmore tint is just going to get you way more attention than it’s worth to look cool.

I have noticed APD has been out in force lately. They were even running radar on Sullivan Parkway yesterday, that little 4 lane road that cuts between Millersport and Audubon. Really shitty place to put a trap since it’s only a 35 there but feels like it should be a 45.


so last night about 12, i leave transit bowling lanes after bowling there with my friends


:bsflag: you werent bowling next to me

in the 10+ yrs I have been driving and the 14 vehicles I have owned, all but 1 had illegal tints. I have been given 1 tint ticket and thats because he had nothing else to give me. He searched.

they are looking for all the ricers


they are looking for all the ricers


ahh that explains it.

Amherst PD can suck a fat sweaty dick.
Those pieces of shit are nothing but a cash cow for the town. They are no longer cops. They are fucking salesmen driving around in marked cars with lightbars. Their goal is to make as much money as possible for the town. I dont think I have ever seen such a abuse of the law/power as i have seen in Amherst. Those assholes LITERALLY make up any bullshit to pull you over.
Dont drive in Amherst after 11pm if you done want a Amherst PD probe up your ass and in your wallet.

I hope Amherst PD gets whats comin to them.

Fucking fascists!

hrm, i’ve driven in amherst in a few sketchy rides and never gotten anything

however, i never had illegal tint

don’t give them a reason to pull you over, and they’ll move onto the next best target /thread