Amherst cops blow

Driving down tonawanda creek towards the blvd. and before i even reached him he turned his lights on. He was a major dick and got me for speeding 65 in a 45, inspection (which was 7 months over due!) and then i was driving with both of my windows down and he said roll one up so i did, then he wrote me for tints. his last statement was the best " Due you think the rules of the road not apply to you?" What a dick i hate amherst. sorry for the rant

you were going 20 over with an inspection over half a year past due, with dark tint

i mean come on, just stop by denny’s next time and ask the cop for a ticket to save time

EDIT: and get me some buffalo strips

what a dick you were only doing 20 over and 7 months it feels like a week nowadays

If I pulled you over I would’ve probably wrote you all that tix minus tint

well, lets see:

-u were doing 20 mph over the speed limmit. thats kinda obvious as your barreling towards him.
-you were stupid enough to not slow down when u saw him
-the inspection is 7 months over due. and you didnt take care of this 7 months ago why?
-the tints, ehh if it happened the way u said, then i’ll give ya that, asking u to roll them up when u had them down is kinda hitting below the belt. but did u have them down BEFORE hu pulled u over, or as he walked up to the car did u roll them down thinking ‘hmm, mayb he wont see them!’

sorry man, but most of that stuff is your own fault.

:mamoru: You came to the wrong place for sympathy for getting what you deserve…

i dont think any cop is nice in my eyes when they give me tickets. lol

Ouchh, Iwoulda told him the windows didnt roll up or something lol , even tho he prob coulda just tryed the switch himself if cops are allowed to do that ?

Cheese with your whine?

You suck at life


I have no room to talk about speeding, but there is no reason to blame the police in this case. Just accept the fact you made a mistake, and move on it’s not the cops fault you were doing 20 over.

Most cops usually will be a dick at that point.

Mmmm… chicken wing pizza.

Im going to have to agree with the majority…going 20 over is just RETARDED espically down THAT street. You pretty much got everything you deserved. Although amherst cops do infact suck, perhaps you just sucked more than they did today…o might I suggest that would help a bit with the speeding part…

par example. I have court tommorow for 19 over. I dont give a fuck. I dun fucked up and will pay the price, without bitching about it. Man up and accept responsibility. Learn from it, and dont be an asswipe…

I have been driving for a long time now, and usually speed. Yet I have received 2 tickets. Not being a total retard>V1.

Common sense = free
V1 = $400

um, yea, you did shit wrong, u got caught :gotme:

“Speeding” is usally a bullshit ticket with the goal of generating money for the town. I bet that essentially EVERYONE here speeds. That said, 45 on that road is a reasonable limit and 20 over on a road like that probably really does deserve a ticket. I almost never would say this about a speeding ticket, but you really did deserve that one. Ditto on the inspection, though I have lived in states with no inspection andI can’t say that the cars here are in any better shape, probably the opposite.

But the tint was BS, for sure.

:word: That was stupid, did you really expect sympathy? And if your windows were already down before he ever seen you, why would he ask you to roll them up. Usually if you are polite they won’t even bother with the tint anyway, you must have said something to piss him off, on top of your way over the speed limit and 7 months on an inspection. You are lucky he let you drive home he could have been a dick for real and towed it to impound for no inspection. Be happy and Man Up.

One more to take a sip of the sweet haterade.

You’re a dumbass. If I was the cop I would have Rodney King’d your ass the instant you gave me a dirty look like you thought getting the tickets was my fault.

20 over, 7 month overdue inspection, and illegal tint. And it’s a rainy damp day, like the cop didn’t know why your windows were down. Illegal tint and simply keeping your windows rolled down does not magically make the tint legal.

But the V1+commen sense=priceless

for everything else there’s walmart radars…

Is your name amherst? That would be the only way it makes sense to me.

And the first words out of your mouth when the cop walked up were???


Roflsberger #7

I don’t understand how u can want sympathy when you break the law? Maybe i didnt read it right but from the way you describe it…you did one thing to break the law which an officer of the law noticed you doing, then upon his pulling you over for the initial infraction revealed that you had several other infractions of the law which are ticketable offenses and you are upset because he asked you if you felt the laws didnt apply to you? Well the way you keep your car and drive your car it would seem as if you don’t believe they do…and then u make a post about it here to complain that you were given a perfect citation for the infringements upon the law you were/are guilty of…:gotme: