Amherst cops blow

I’ll be honest…I speed…not excessively, but I’m usually always about 5-10 over, all the time. Also, I tend to roll through stop signs. Since getting my license, I’ve averaged about 1 ticket every 1-2 years. And I’m ok with it when I get them, bec. whether you broke the law at that exact moment or not, odds are you’ve gotten away with it 4687567654767 other times before. It IS pretty much always justified. Oh well, it happens. Deal with it.

V&T is pretty much only for generating revenue, that being said, it’s still the law, bullshit or not, you broke it, the cop did the job that we are paying him to do. No foul.

I applaud the cop for busting punks like yourself.

You sound like a 17 year old kid in this post.

I think he pegged ya on that statement.

here is one…

This thread reminds me of the beginning of Old School.

“Hi… I’m here for the gangbang”.

If i was the cop i’d have called the hook and made ya pay the impound and tow fee. 7 months over isnt an oversight, week or month maybe. And didnt i see a news cast about tona creek having the most accidents in the past couple years just the other day? no wonder they are patrolling it heavy

-i really honestly believe i wasnt going 20 over as for the inspection i just had my cat. converter put on so i can pass inspection

  • i slowed down as soon as i seen the reflection of his licsense plate
    -i was driving with my windows down

I have to agree

first off asswipe i really dont give a shit about the speeding because it was my fault the only thing im really pissed about is the tint ticket

then scrape the fucking film. tint tix are generally “fix-it” tickets anyhow.

or do You have the sensitive eye condition that requires dark tint? If You do, then why did You not show the certification to the officer? If not, there is NO reason to justify anything under 35%.

Lol you got 3 different violations, and your most worried about your window tint ticket?? perhaps your priorities are in need of a serious check…Last time I was in court(for a cell phone ticket) 20mph over was reduced to $150 and school…tint is the least of your worries, not to mention the 7 months over on Inspection.

yeah Funk that asshole for pulling you over when you deserved it for more then one reason.

Don’t get me wrong, they can be dicks, but you deserve all those tickets and maybe even the statement he made at the end of it. Its true.

70% permissivity is the legal limit in NYS, which is basically factory aka no tint.


Wow, what an asshole… :rolljerk:

Its so funny how irrational people are about police officers.

You must be kidding.

20 over, with an inspection more than half a year overdue, with (what I’m sure) is likely illegal tint?

What part of that makes Amherst cops assholes???

What would you have liked him to do differently? He’s obviously right in saying you think you’re above the law.

:word: I’m aware. :slight_smile:

I love the police.

<- Minglor.

also technically only vans and suvs can have side window tint

The only thing I disliked about what he did was that statement he made at the end of the ordeal.

Oh you seen the reflection of the plate comming? It must have been quite a scene. I seen that reflection last week when i was traveling down that roadway.