
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this. I rode dirt my whole life. Many broken bones. I didn’t start on the street until maybe 5 years ago. I feel much safer on the street. On dirt/track, I’d do things I shouldn’t. I’d ride above my skill level. Because that’s how you get better. On the street, I’m overly cautious and defensive.

I’m fortunate that my wife is the one who told me to get a bike, and she loved riding on it. But now that she’s preggo, I thought she’d make me get rid of it. But she didn’t. I want to sell it and she doesn’t want me to.

I would rather take my chances not hitting things that do not move instead of retards in cars moving around. I have been on street bikes when I was younger and never felt safe. :dunno:

thats a legit concern. unfortunately, if you do any hard riding in the dirt, its just as dangerous. its just different.

And I tend to run in to those “things that don’t move” quite often when dirt riding. Stuff like the ground… lol.
I just ride so aggresive on the dirt/mud. If I rode dirt like I ride street, then I’d agree that dirt is safer. I just ride so much more aggresive in the dirt. Because it’s not fun any other way.

I grew up on dirtbikes but hadn’t been on one in about 10 years until last weekend. It beat the crap out of me, and I was sore for a week. That being said, I know I’m still safer in the dirt than the street. You’ll get more small injuries in the dirt, but I think less likely to have a serious accident/die.

RE: Pipes. I’m also a fan of loud pipes saves lives. Don’t like loud, stay away from my right side.

My '97 warrior

I think I see a clean spot on that warrior. Better head back out.

I gave up riding dirt because riding areas keep closing down. The riding areas are largely uncontrolled and too many balls out riders would crash by themselves, each other, or injure somebody that was just out to have a little fun. Balls out riding is meant for a track or some kind of controlled environment. Often these crashes would result in some pretty severe injuries and the balls out guy acting like he didn’t do anything wrong. The injured riders would be in horrible pain until somebody figured out how to tell 911 exactly where they were and EMS figured out how to get to them. Nobody wants to roll around on the ground, or see someone roll around on the ground with a leg bone sticking out of their leg for hours.

Street is “safer” because the environment is somewhat controlled. Traffic all goes the same way, and mostly everyone abides by the basic rules of the road. If a crash happens, someone will usually call 911 and emergency personnel can usually respond pretty quickly.

I hear you on that…I’m pretty lame on mine…when “balls out” riders are around I just sit there and watch them do stuff I don’t have the balls to do…I just have fun ridin around and tryin to make it through every mudhole the big 4x4s attempt…i don’t always make it…

that pic of the warrior makes we want a quad more than a dirtbike. :smiley:

Nail being hit on head. Best way to say it.

It’s officially for sale

can I take it for a test ride, I will go get my permit this week? :x: :smiley: