
He wants both, though. Both have their strengths, and the 675 Street is a fun ass bike to toss around. The 1050 is a very forgiving bike, but kind of heavy in the corners. 675 revs out; 1050 drives like a car in that it redlines pretty low in comparison. Not as much shifting because of the awesome torque low in the power band.
I’d love to have both, and a cruiser to do long trips with.

Me and my dad are looking to purchase a Buell 1125R.

I believe those got a “so-so” review. But I guess some magazines tend to do that.

Here is mine but its for sale… :frowning:

what he said

Darn. I love those bikes but I don’t think my wife would approve of me spending $7k on another bike

How the hell do you balance a street bike tire?

the same you balance a car tire? idk?

There is a balance dot on the tire. I think that’s the lightest part of the tire.
Line up the balance dot with the valve stem.

How do I convince my wife to let me get a bike? I have been telling her for the longest time that I would love to get one, but she is worried I’ll kill myself on it. I have been wanting to get a 3rd car to mess around with and I told her that I would get the bike instead of the car, but she still doesn’t want me to get one. Do any of your wives/gf’s dislike the fact that you have a bike?

Edit: oh and the last thing I would do is just buy one anyways because then my life would just be a living hell.

My wife doesn’t want me to get a street bike but dirt bikes and quads are fine. I used to want a street bike, but the last few times my car was hit, I was stopped. Had I been on a bike, I would have been messed up. There are way to many idiots on the road to have a bike IMHO.

At least trees and rocks don’t jump out in front of you in the woods, if you hit one it’s your fault, not some retard in a car trying to read the paper, put of makeup, talk on the cell phone, etc…

a few of the mx bikes (had them out to go over them yesterday)…the R6 has not made an appearance yet this year.

Try using the economy as a tactic. Most bikes are 40+ MPG, insurance for liability is about $80 a year. If you have a long commute, you might be able to justify saving money especially if and when gas gets back up to $4.00 a gallon.

Good luck.

Eh, I’ve tried that but she knows that I need to carry an audit bag and laptop to work everyday. Also, I have to wear a suit for a lot of the year, so that probably won’t work. It would just be for joyriding on weekends and in the evenings. I told her I’d get her a pink one so we could ride together, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen.

You really need to talk to Neonracer01, he was in the same boat as you a few years back. He got his wife talked into it. They had even lost a good friend on a bike.

I would also go take the safety course. You will get your licsenes, and you will have some SAFE stuff to work on your wife with.

To be honest, I dont think bikes are any less save than a car. I was looking at the number of fatal crashes of bike vs. cars a few weeks back, the numbers I came up with for cars for 2004 was 69.33 people out of 100,000 cars, average, died. For bikes it was 57.01 persons died out of 100,000 bikes.

Now I know there are way more cars than bikes, but the average is the average. It just like you hear, from the people that want helment laws, that since PA did away with the helment law, there has been X number more of fatal crashes. They never mention that the number of bikes is also WAY up. and that the average is just about the same. Last time I researched it it was something like .4% less fatal crashes after no helment law.

I told her I would like to go out take the free safety course through the state just for fun. That way if she ever does say that it is ok, I can just go right out and buy a bike instead of giving her time to change her mind :bigthumb:

My thoughts exactly…

I got pretty f’d up in the woods about 10 years ago. IMO dirt is pretty unsafe, too. You can’t really say it is safer than street. I would agree that both can be dangerous, but there are many things in life that have a level of risk. The safety courses are great to teach you how to avoid bad situations. The other thing is to not get cocky. Anyone can learn, no matter how many miles/ridning time they have under their belt.

Invite her to take the course with you. She will have a much better understanding, and possibly change her mind.

my wife didnt want a bike either and did everything she could to keep me off of one but i was really into woods riding and moto x racing before i met her… i sold my 93 rm 250 a month before i met her to put money into my car . a few months went by and she got pregnant and no money for a new bike ,and a new baby left no time for riding. after 8 years and a baby boy i gave her the speech were i have to teach him to be a man and theres no better way of being a man then dirtbikes. i bought an rmx 250 last year and she seen how much i rode it and didnt get hurt. this past year when gas was soooo expensive i told her i would like to trade my camaro for a bike and showed her the savings it would have over the car and i got a bike on trade.

In order to take the PAMSP basic rider course, you need to have a motorcycle permit before you register for the course. If she is inflexible on considering a bike, you will probably have a tough time getting her to take the permit test. It might even be more frustrating if it takes a couple of times before she passes. On the day I took my test there was another guy there for the 5th time. It took my wife 3 tries, but she got it and rides all the time now.

As far as commuting goes, you can take the cage to work and drop off your suits for the week. There are plenty of gear bags that are made for carrying laptops on the bike.