Bill introduced to prohibit funding discriminatory motorcycle-only checkpoints

THIS is the point they are trying to make. Its nothing to do with safty, it has to do with money hungry fucks ie. NYS driving away riders from large events.

Thats the bull shit that went on like Mike just said. The state new massive amounts of riders were headed to one place, and stretched the nets at door #1 and door #2 coming into LG. knowing full well 9-10 harley riders have beanie helmets that ante DOT legal and they could get roughly $80 a head in fines for each rider. Not to mention the exhaust on just about EVERY bike going there was illegal. Thats like knowing a $160 paycheck to NYS X 10,000+ riders that week would add up.

This is why the Americade event coordinators said fuck you NYS (one of a few reasons) we dont even want to come back this year. The town of LG depends on 2 major events each year to basically stay afloat, ask any business owners down there. bull shit like that stunt they pulled is putting that town out of business.

I am sure the Americade people contacted AMA and pushed for this for this reason.

Honestly the AMA has been a damn good foundation, much more supportive than a lot of other motorsport foundations I know of. Get a lot accomplished too!