Yesterday (9/1) Alt. 7

My father in law told me there was a mandatory motorcycle checkpoint at the pull off yesterday. Anyone on here have to go through that?

I know there was one on Hoosick St by North and South Lake Rd. They were giving tickets for exhaust, helmets and handlebars out of spec. (apparently they can only be a certain height) which I did not know.

Nice to know the State is so broke they are trying to ruin the bikers Labor Day weekend by handing out tickets. I’m sure they could have found something better to do.

What could they find wrong about a helmet? Like the “skull cap” ones some of the Harley guys wear?

The whole deal is retarded though regardless.

Yeah you can get a non-DOT approved helmet at just about any shop.

So stupid

Hope they do start enforcing exhaust tickets on bikes. They go past my house, loud as fuck, all times of the day, and sound like SHIT. If my car has to be quiet, so should your dumpy Harley.

i thought they passed a law that made vehicle specific checkpoints illegal?

I thought the same thing. Apparently the law doesn’t apply to cops…

Same can be said about the dumpy rice burner cars that drive by my house.

I’m sure they left a loophole in the law…and the cops found a way to take advantage of it.

You know as soon as I typed that, I knew someone would come back with a rice burner comment :rofl Yeah they suck too.

I dont mind a good sounding not obnoxious exhaust but all I hear by my house is raspiness LOL.

But I agree some guys on Harleys have exhaust systems that sound horrible and are just too loud, thats why my Harley has the stock exhaust on it still, its loud enough and sounds just fine.

But officer… my exhaust is stock (just don’t look at the drilled out baffle…) lol

im totally with you on this one .

This stuff happens every holiday during motorcycle season.

U do realize a loud exh on a bike 9times out of 10 gets people to see em when they otherwise wouldn’t . My cars r loud anyway so loud bikes don’t annoy me .

I dont know how some of the guys with obnoxiously loud bikes arent deaf.

It’s the Harley crowd with the Loudest exhaust, I can’t hear my bike near a damn Harley or chopper.

Ok they’re loud, so?

For all of you that are such Harley haters…all the bikes that swerve through traffic at 100+ or doing wheelies in traffic are crotch rockets, tell me which more of a hazard, loud pipes or an asshole kid thinking he is invincible? (I know not EVERY crotch rocket rider does it, but not every Harley rider has obnoxious pipes) and for the record my ZX10 was louder then A LOT of Harleys.


I went thru a checkpoint this weekend and they checked my helmet, but it was at the track…:rofl

Didn’t your last post “Attn: Crotch Rocket owners…” involve an older guy?

Your last few post have been very anti anything not a Harley as of late. Stating rice burner and sports bikes are cheap. When you can hop on cragslist and find a Harley going for just as much as a sport bike.
I saw someone let go of a soft tail for under 3K I should have snagged it myself.

9 times out of 10 Harleys are LOUD I hear one coming from blocks away. The only sports bikes I hear with that level of loud are ether racers or guys using a megaphone cheap piece of crap that want to be as obnoxious as Harley guys.

Granted this area is full of squids! & I don’t feel bad when they crash. Hell I saw a dumb ass on a gixxer from the 80’s doing a shit wheelie a few weeks ago, but assholes are not limited to sport bikes.:shifty

I have had more then my fair share of Harley guys Blowing past me like bats out of hell doing WELL over 100 with there half helmets and suicide clutch’s
(I wanted to chase them down roll down my window and scream at the guys “HEY ASSHOLE I’m trying to listen to JAMES FUCKING TAYLOR HERE!”)
I have yet to have a sports bike do that near me.

Do I post it every time it happens? No, I don’t care. I got booted out of a meet up group because I had a sports bike & didn’t feel like riding on a cold day by a Harley owner he also went out of his way to insult me.

Did I hop on here and start a thread nope. Honestly the biggest butt plugs are Harley riders that’s why most people become Harley haters.

They have an elitist vibe because they are on an American bike that cost more then it’s worth, over paying for the same design since the 50’s. I’m sorry Harley lacks innovation they haven’t had an Idea since they fucked the Indian motorcycle company a 100 years ago.:lol

The Japanese see the Harley make a V star or whatever it’s called. The damn thing is just as good if not better then a Harley, the only rebuttal I have ever heard was “Well it don’t have that Harley sound.”
WHOOOO! so half the price is the sound. Gotcha.

If Harley kicked so much ass I think they’d come up with a bike that could compete with Aprilia, Ducati, KTM, BMW, Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, triumph ect… On the racing front and show them what American has.

If Harley’s are so damn sensible and show such a clear sign of maturity. Why the hell doesn’t anyone wear fucking gear? They are just as naked as street bike crowd. :dunno

You can bet your sweet ASS, if NY said Fuck the helmet law Harley riders would be the first to adopt it shouting with glee “It’s about hot damn time!”
Oh don’t get me wrong there would be a shit ton of sport bike riders doing it also.

Another thing why do Harley guys have to brag about they’re bikes and be so abhorrent with other motorcycles?

ME I’m not a Harley hater, I just dislike most of the jackasses who ride them and have to put it in your face.:Idiots

Sorry for the rant.