New laws reguarding non stock vehicles? wtfbbq

Was talking to this kid the other day and he said he got a crapton of tickets for having non stock parts in his car. Said it was illegal to have a turbo on a vehicle that stock did not come with a turbo. He said it was really new shit that was just put into effect. This can’t be true

Heard nothing about it, so I highly doubt its true.

lololol , you havent even seen half of it yet guys

That’s what I was sayin. Kid also said that he now cut his hood cable on his boosted civic, so he couldn’t pop it for cops. Also the reason he couldn’t show me what was under his hood :lol figured none of this was true, but don’t hurt to ask

doubt it.

Most cops will never look under the hood of a car in a traffic stop so they wont be able to prove anything is done to the motor.

I believe it’s somewhat true, although rarely enforced.

Where does he live, California?

nah, NY

I had a cop look under my hood once. He was going to write me a ticket for my intake because it had a “for off road use only” sticker on it. Damn you Schenectady PD.

Sounds like a tard

there is a lot of new laws or unenforced laws out there .


A few that apply to members on this forum:

  1. Mufflers and exhaust systems. Prevention of noise. Every motor
    vehicle, operated or driven upon the highways of the state, shall at all
    times be equipped with an adequate muffler and exhaust system in
    constant operation and properly maintained to prevent any excessive or
    unusual noise and no such muffler or exhaust system shall be equipped
    with a cut-out, bypass, or similar device. No person shall modify the
    muffler or exhaust system of a motor vehicle in a manner which will
    amplify or increase the noise emitted by the motor or exhaust system of
    such vehicle above that emitted by the muffler or exhaust system
    originally installed on the vehicle and such original muffler and
    exhaust system shall comply with all the requirements of this section.

(b) No person shall operate a passenger car registered in New York
unless it is equipped with both a front and rear bumper, each securely
fastened and with some part of the bumper located between sixteen inches
and twenty inches above the ground.

  1. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or cause to be
    operated, an audio amplification system which is operated in, installed
    in or powered by a vehicle which generates an A-weighted sound level in
    excess of seventy dB (A) measured at, or adjusted to, a distance of
    twenty-five feet from the vehicle which is driven, standing, or parked
    on a public highway, or within one hundred feet of a public highway
    unless that system is being operated to request assistance or warn of a
    hazardous situation.
  1. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle
    with any object placed or hung in or upon the vehicle, except required
    or permitted equipment of the vehicle, in such a manner as to obstruct
    or interfere with the view of the operator through the windshield, or to
    prevent him from having a clear and full view of the road and condition
    of traffic behind such vehicle.
  1. It shall be unlawful to operate upon any public highway in this
    state a motor vehicle which is equipped with a television receiving set
    within view of the operator or in which a television receiving set is in
    operation within the view of the operator.

Easiest way to bypass the exhaust laws, buy a v8 equipped domestic. My mustang is ridiculously loud for what it is and Ive never once been bothered. its easily twice as loud as my old B16 hatch and I got 3-4 tickets in the year I owned my civic.

Or just leave the stock muffler on it. My car is catless, 1.75" header, 3" exhaust and you would never know unless you looked at it on a lift.

There are a TON of things you can get nailed for. Usually the officers do not write those tickets though. Although at the race out in CA, you can easily walk away with 10+ tickets(exhaust, non-carb approved intake, cats, headlights lower than legally allowed b/c the car has been dropped, etc etc).

you said it

my car wakes the dead. I drive by police officers daily. I haven’t been pulled over, in 2 years.

The biggest indicator to a cop is the exhaust tip, i.e. what they can see. If they see a big can under the bumper and not the oem looking donkey cock muffler, then you’re getting nailed!

i have been pulled over , but not for my exh and most cops say it sounds great lol


my car wakes the dead

yours warns off aliens…that mother fucker is LOUD

You heard my car, I have never been stopped for the exhaust.

i know :lol. but i fuckin love it