My rant on motorcyclists

This rant is based on my experiences tonight driving from Buffalo to Lewiston.

I went to the Styx concert (go ahead and laugh) with my wife (her choice) at Artpark in Lewiston tonight. It was packed beyond belief (suprising as hell). You mention free concert, everyone shows up. It took about an hour to get there going over the Grand Island bridge to Lewiston. There were a ton of motorcyclists. Now this isn’t aimed towards ALL motorcyclists, but I would have to say 90% of the ones that were out are guilty of one of the following things:

If there are 2 lanes in a road, the white dashed line between the lanes does not count as a lane. And just because one bike does it, doesn’t mean the rest of your group has to do it either.

Passing a long row of cars heading towards an exit while riding against oncoming traffic just to get there sooner is stupid and unsafe.

You aren’t any more special and get the right to pass everyone in a line of traffic because you have 2 wheels and we have 4. If there is one lane of traffic going in a direction, consider it a line.

You hear all these commercials with lawyers talking about car drivers to watch out for the motorcyclists, but there were so many instances tonight that if the right situation would have brought an accident that would have been the motorcyclists fault. I keep my distance from bikes when I drive but there were a ton of a-holes out on bikes.

And tonights rant isn’t aimed at the sportsbike / crotchrockets. It was the Harley style bikes that caused every instance that I described.

But I’m sure they all had loud pipes that save lives, so you could hear them coming and not hit them. :cjerk:

Yea, plus its great when they park close to the concert and the band is playing and they rev the shit out of their engine so you can’t hear anything else.

I have only done that once, and I was with another rider. It was late a night and we were both overheating badly. I don’t know if cruisers do it, but both of our rockets were up near 230, and the fans kick on about 215, just to give you an idea. Shutting the bike off didn’t work because then the fans were off, and the temp would climb a few degrees higher. We rode the shoulder for 1/4 mile and never went above 10mph. But as a rider I do agree some people do stupid things and makes the rest of us look bad.

Damn harley riders. Probably a bunch of old guys too!

It was a mix. It’s not usually that bad, but it happened a lot tonight.
You seem like your ok Butch. Plus you have training wheels on your bike, so you are careful :biglaugh:

Well I do stay in my lane. I have no idea what fans are on a bike. lol As for loud pipes, I can honestly say they have saved me a few times. Usually in rush hour downtown, someone won’t see me, I give it a blip and they wake up.

i agree, 87fox does that all the time to me, squeezes thru tight spots with his bike cutz me off all the time, rat bastard! lol one of these days i’m just gonna hit him… The other day on the way to work i saw a coupe bikes on the 198 doing standup wheelies the whole length of the street, did it right past me i didnt even see them put it down, just kept on riding it, i was going 55-60 and they flew past me doing at least 80

I’m not quite sure about other states, but in California I’ve heard that this law came about because older bikes would overheat while sitting in heavy traffic. So they made it legal to ‘share’ a lane with other cars, in order to keep the bikes moving and prevent overheating.

I don’t recommend it, nor do I even ride a bike, but I know that it is in fact legal out here. It definitely works out to their advantage, especially when dealing with traffic, but sometimes it’s just plain scary when they come up from behind pretty fast and fly right by the side of your car.

I just wish my car could be that loud
Someone came by my house today and I had to stop a conversation I was having with someone next to me because of their “pipes”

totally a agree, people on bikes that drive stupid :tdown:
and you don’t have be to moving much to hurt either, I was doing like 10 and got kit by a car and have a broken foot. So com’on now…

if any of you know where Buffalo Harly Davidson is on Baily kidna near Eggert, well, thats like 2 blocks from my house. and i DO NOT appreciate people going WOT out of there or test driving bikes by my house all the time. i dont think its the bikes that are the problem, its more or less the assholes that ride them. o and Butch is an exception to that, in my eyes. met him for the first time last week at Mighty one night and he seems like a really cool guy. Actually, i think it was that night when some guy came though on a HUGE bike and was really ass-hatting around and doing some moves that could have killed him and his passenger.

o and the other thing that pisses me off, is WHY THE FUCK DO I GET A TICKET FOR MY EXHAUST SYTEM (its a fucking Flowmaster 40 Series muffler with 2.5" dual pipes coming out…nothing special there) WHEN THESE MOTHERFUCKIN LOUD-AS-HELL BIKES GET AWAY WITH IT AT 2:00 IN THE MORNING WHEN IM TRYING TO FUCKING SLEEP??? that really pisses me of…

turned my car off and watched them ride by… fucking caotic at the end

what if they had a dual sport and rode on the grass portion of the shoulder?

Great post.

I agree, no one in cars ever does stupid shit. Esp. people in muscle or modified cars.

being able to go around cars stuck in traffic is one of the rewards of having a motorcycle…

PS - People in america have NO concept of aggressive bikers…go to europe those guys are like professional stunt riders

Not to mention, that it’s legal in many states, unlike assclowning, which is illegal everywhere.

PS - In TN (and other states) you can go through redlights on your bike.
PPS - Word to Joe on the EU, now go to India, it’s even worse.

for walter <3

Section 1252. Operating motorcycles on roadways laned for traffic.

(a) All motorcycles are entitled to full use of a lane and no motor vehicle or motorcycle shall be driven in such a manner as to deprive any motorcycle of the full use of a lane. However, this subsection shall not be construed to prevent motorcycles from being operated two abreast in a single lane.

(b) The operator of a motorcycle shall not overtake and pass in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken.

(c) No person shall operate a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles.

(d) Motorcycles shall not be operated more than two abreast in a single lane

(e) Subsections (b) and (c) shall not apply to police officers in the performance of their official duties.

I got this from the NY DMV site. I know that in California “lane splitting” is “legal”, but definately not recommended.

Way to take a proactive position for your own safety! :tup: Screw lane positioning, space cushioning, SIPDE, etc. Just make a lot of noise and hope people can hear you! Sorry, I’ve got no beef with you personally. I just used to get soooooooo pissed when I would start up my (properly baffled) motorcycle and see little kids cover their ears and anticipate the pain. Plus, that the day I rely on noisy exhaust to keep me safe is the day I vow to never ride again. Not only that but thanks to the dopplar effect, the only people who can really hear you while you’re riding are the people behind you who can’t harm you. Loud pipes hurt rights.