My rant on motorcyclists

I never said noone in muscle/modified cars assclowns. My point was that I saw over 10 cases of my initial post happen in a 1 hour time period. I could have added to my rant the amound of asshole car drivers that try to squeeze past you in a single merge lane and don’t let you into a lane to get onto a thruway by speeding up and cutting you off.

u werent the one that told a biker on a harley to shut his bike up on the way out were u?, lol he was pissed.

off topic but… how was weekend… my best friends dad is the lead singer and those fucking assclowns kicked him out after 30 years…? Such a disappointment

I can’t beleive that bikers would do this. Oh well! Lanespliting is not legal in NYS.

At 4:30 on Church Street heading to the thruway and someone pulls in front of me from the right lane without looking because they didn’t have the brains to see that their lane had cars parked ahead of them gives me the right to give a little blip of the throttle. Now keep in mind, I am the same guy that turns his bike off at night and glides the last house and right up to my garage at night. I am also the same guy that turns his bike off when going down the side of the Peace Bridge into Canada by rolling when their is a ton of traffic. Also keep in mind that everytime arrived home at my parents house, I would shut the car down at the end of the driveway by the street, walk up and open the garage and start it and get it in the garage and off as soon as possible. I am also one of the few that doesn’t sit at a light and rev the throttle because it sounds cool. I know how annoying loud exhaust is. I rarely go 5 over the speed limit as well.

Loud exhaust can be annoying, I do understand that and I do my part to make others more comfortable when next to them. Funny though, no one ever bitched about the loudmoth that was on my Camaro. Oh thats’s right, it’s ok because it’s a car!

Someday maybe I will be a perfect motorcyclist like yourself and leave enough room for the assholes that can’t look before they pull out.

And you know what, my front and rear wheel has never been off the ground while I am riding. How many can say that ?

People on bikes acting out of sorts? Never happens.
Actually given the shittyness of drivers in general, be it car or motorbike, I am really not shocked.

We are all forgetting the important thing.

Styx is the shit!!!:headbang:

I really do like them.

Fair enough. Props to you for using some discretion. It’s too bad Harleys don’t come with horns, then you could use your horn instead of blipping your throttle for safety.

Whatever. Loud pipes save lives is a BS excuse. You have loud pipes on your bike because you want to. tee up to you for using discrection and not being the guy who goes WOT to show off.

i always thought the harley throttle blip was to make sure the bike was still running.

those shitty sounding aircompressors make your have to make your ass numb from the vibration. and you cant feel the engine after 10 mins of riding it.

I can see bliping the trottle while revmatching & downshifting. but when its a a stoplight and the guys just plop plop the trottle for no aparent reason. I cant stand that crap.

I just want to hunt down a few Strait pipe guys. and Fire up my old Honda 250 R. with the shorty mufller. and see if they come out and complain when i go past their house at 2:AM at WOT… and ill explain to them that the loud pipe is for my own safety.

Harley’s do have horns, just easier to find the throttle. lol

Also, there are much more annoying F-Bodies than Harleys running around. I won’t even get into the Civics etc. discussion.

ehh, i really think i find more motorcycles offensively loud than cars… and MC guys definitely do alot more revving.

lol at some of this thread…

i can see both viewpoints on the loud pipes issue. My dad rides a HD fatboy with hella loud pipes, but technically theyre the loudest “legal” pipes on the market. I dont care for them, but i never got to the point of ranting about it to people online… I have 5 loud bikes on my street that leave earlier than me in the mornin and come home at like midnight, its what 5 seconds of rumble? seriously whats fvcking big deal?

about the lane splitting/changing, eh im not really going to go there

we were behind two guys yesterday on pavement in lancaster near the police station… It looked like a Father and son duo, father had the license and the son only had his permit (he rode like a bitch, looked like a fag, and was riding some old ninja 250 or some shit). Now dont you think you would set a nice example for the kid behind you and use your turn signal while turning? Na not these idiots, neither used their turn or hand signals; they just jacked the brakes and turn with a huge work van 2-3 CLs behind going 50ish. It pissed us off because we had to jack the brakes and swerve around them.

I might be stupid, which generally is true 99.99% of the time, but for you to pass NYS Inspection CAR or MOTORCYCLE, you MUST have a horn. And for you to be able to RIDE your bike away from the dealer, it has to have a NYS inspection sticker, which would REQUIRE you to have a HORN(ey). Also holds true from there forth about must have a horn to pass NYS inspection.

So, how you finger dat Harvey Donaldson’s don’t come with a horn? It would be Illegal for any dealer to sell you a motorvehicle/motorcycle without a horn.

Reading ownz jo0!!


initially I thought the complaint about the dotted line was when 2 bikes are sharing a lane, or when someone isn’t riding in the middle of the lane.

I never ride in the middle of a lane due to all of the shit that accumulates there. Follow the path of the tires in front of you and the debris will go to the sides. Also at night I like my headlight to shine past the car in front of me so that when someone is waiting to make a left, they see me behind the car in front of me.

I have loud pipes on my bike, and honestly the nike is as loud as i want it. If i wanna be quiet then i ride with nothing more than 1/8-1/4 throttle. If i wanna be loud then its 1/2 throttle or more.

But honestly, i almost got ran over at the gas station the other day and the only thing that stopped the person was me laying on the horn for about a minute as they continued to almost back into me because they couldnt see me.

Back in the early 90’s we used to put semi horns on our bikes. If you do this now you will get someones attention. We were able to make people drop there drinks. Talk to Pat or Ruben. Bikers are always in the wrong no matter what they do. It comes with the territory. We just get more focus because we are the minority.

Although I don’t think anybody here knows Pat or Reuben… :slight_smile:

Waaattt? I can’t hear youuuu. Speak up, I fogot to put in my hearing aids after I brushed my dentures this morning…

It’s also legal in all 50 states to suddenly open your doors to “see what the trouble is ahead”

… whoopsie