"Billy Mays Approved" stickers

iight we’ll see. i might take some of yetti’s because 10 is excessive :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

if theres one left then fine, if none left fine aswell. it woulda be kinda silly if everyone had the same stickers…

everyone has pedobear and thats still funny :lol

Yeah. Pete.

maybe to you


I’m sorry I don’t have a highly developed sense of humor like yourself :frowning:

not rly

sweet cant wait to put one of these on the truck!

I guess i fail to see the funny…

i think its random and funny and others might get a chuckle out of it. throw it on your DSM adam, all the JDM bitches will love it


if he doesn’t have them on his website email him, he has one of ebm kicking the guys ass and then one thats light blue and says i am a motherfucker in white just like his shirt.

if you can get a vector file of that i can have them made for $1 a sticker. That would be hilarious to put them everywhere in random places!

I’d take 2 of the Billy Mays decals! Let me know how I can get them.

Stealing design.

making my own for free. In better color

da fuck? if srs let me know ASAP so i can not order it (hasnt PMd me back yet)

and sorry allstargraphics i have no idea what a vector file is, the only real solid info that I think would be useful to you for remaking it would be that picture

Ron cut me one like 4" dia, in white. Will pay.

it was funny when it showed up at H2O, but its not at this point.

never saw it at H20, even if i did it would still be funny to me. i had a pedobear on my car almost 2 yrs ago and it still cracks me up when i see one in a funny location or car

the billy mays isnt as funny as the pedobear… i think because hes dead is why its not funny. they started it right after he died. which i think was too soon.

Reminds me of that South Park episode with Steve Irwin. Satans halloween party… where Steve Irwin showed up and people were complaining about this guy dressed in a Steve Irwin costume. Satan went up to Steve Irwin and said “dude, c’mon, thats too soon, its just way too soon”… Irwin replied, “But Satan, its me… its Steve Irwin.” Satan then proceeded to kick him out because he wasn’t dressed in a costume.

It was awful…ly fucking hilarious. Holy shit… I died laughing, and that was two weeks after he died!

I’ll take a sticker. LMK…