"Billy Mays Approved" stickers

Who’s in?

They’re vinyl so should be great quality, here’s the guy’s pricing

1 for $5
3 for $12
5 for $15

For 20 stickers I’d ask for $40 bucks

I’ll get 5 for $15 regardless just wanna see if anyone wants to get in on the 20 for $40 deal

i am so in

for thuper cereal?

like bran flakes cereal…

how many you good for? $2/piece obviously


Ill take 2

ill take one!

Fuck that annoying asshole, find some Epic Bread Man stickers.

Suck on my genitalia.


10- Yetti
1- FreakLS7
2-Y0 D31pRaD
7- myself

I want at least 5 but have no problem with 7 so I’ll wait another day or so to see if anyone wants the last two and then I’ll just order.


no, theres actually not i just wanted to say dattt

I will grab 2

Alrighty then, that’s a wrap. I’ll talk to the d00d about payment right meow.

Donezo, PM’d him

ill take a couple if still aval :lol

Ask for his email, I want to order some for myself. Any other colors?

Just black at this point, I’ll give you his email when I get it

ill take a couple

yea gimme 1

i doubt you too are srs so you can just talk to the guy if by some miracle you actually are

i am, but i’ll just give you the two bucks for one.that is if u have one left in the group buy.