Bin Laden threatens US again..

An audio message purportedly from al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden threatened retaliation against Americans if alleged 9/11 mastermind Khaled Sheikh Mohammed is executed.

The message – aired Thursday by the Arabic-language TV network Al-Jazeera – is directed at “the American people about our prisoners,” the speaker said.

“Your master in the White House is following his predecessor in many important issues, like escalating the war in Afghanistan and unfairly treating our prisoners – led by the hero jihadi Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,” who faces trial in the United States for his alleged actions in the 2001 attack.

“The White House declared that they will execute Khaled Sheikh Mohammed and his comrades in arms.”

If the United States makes a decision to execute al Qaeda prisoners, “it would be responsible when we execute anyone of you we capture,” he threatened.

“We have been enduring your masters’ oppression for a long time, especially by supporting Israel’s occupation of our land in Palestine. Our reaction to that oppression was heard loudly on the 11th with God’s help,” a reference to the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the United States.

“Justice is to be treated in the same manner,” he said.

Purported bin Laden messages last surfaced in late January.

In one of them, the al Qaeda leader condemned the United States and other industrial nations for causing climate change. The message criticized former U.S. President George W. Bush for rejecting the Kyoto Protocol on global warming, and the speaker condemned international corporations.

In another, bin Laden claimed responsibility for the alleged Christmas Day attempt by Nigerian national Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to blow up a Northwest Airlines plane as it approached Detroit, Michigan, from Amsterdam, Netherlands. Bin Laden also warned the United States of more attacks.

CNN could not independently confirm the authenticity of the messages.

In my opinion, we shouldn’t execute them. We should put them in a prison and ‘let’ the inmates do the rest. I’m sure they’d be treated much more fairly than if we wasted money using sanitized needles and whatever else is required to execute them.

Its ok for them to kill thousands of people, but we cant execute the people responsible for their attacks?

"Your master in the White House is following his predecessor in many important issues, like escalating the war in Afghanistan and unfairly treating our prisoners
I’m really trying to not make this about our current “leader”… but this needed to be quoted again. People running around cheering about “change” and all.

We really are fucked over there. Need to pray for our troops.

Cossey said it best, feed this mother fucker to prisoners and let them have fun with him.

I like how he threatens to kill Americans they capture, Im pretty sure they already do that. I say screw them all.

we should make a fucking video just like his stupid shit, except in the video, his “heroes” start talking and mid-sentence get their heads blown off Boondock Saints style. In the background the song “brought to you courtesy of the red white and blue” should be playing. Then someone should piss down the necks of whoever was killed, preferably the president or someone in charge of serious wartime shit. This CSBS needs to end, and we need to escalate until it does. JIHAD motherfucker!!

Wayne I don’t like your attitude

^^This. However it will never happen because this county is full of pussies that will get all butt hurt if we don’t treat them “properly”. I say shoot their f’ing balls off, let them suffer a bit, then blow their damn heads off.

pretty much.

I feel like threats from Osama is like my child threating me, like “I wont talk to you anymore.” And referencing 9/11, okay so you fucked us up once, that was nine years ago, what have you done since? Go hide in your cave and do your dialysis, faggot. Wayne has the right idea!

I mix up these jihad names but if these are the guys that are/were in trial here in the US and not even citizens, fuck’em, They should of been shot a long time ago. They should not go to jail, they dont have rights like us Americans. They should of never made it to US soil. I blame Obama for bringing them on US grounds. We’re fucked.

Isn’t this cocksucker dead yet?


Figured I’d post this here:


Spoof of “Real Men of Genius” called “Real F’ing Shitbags”

Right click on link and do ‘save as’ if you want a copy…

Just nuke the motherfuckers, steal their gas and call it a day already.

the bounty on him isnt big enoughl once it hits a “magic” number, his own brother will take his head off

I think I should take a vacation to some mountains in the middle east…its been a few years since I have been out that way :slight_smile:

lets go.:excited

In for a vacation…

I say take this Khaled Sheikh Mohammed ass hat that Bin Laden is backing here, put them on a boat drive them out into the middle of the ocean off our soil and have at it. chum for sharks, and tie the mother fucker up to a fishing pole and start trolling. lol