BING! i mean BLING

first u steal my avatar and change it around, then u f*cked my donkey…

and ummm…well i had to make a new avatar…and now ur the donkey

it wasnt me that chopped it…

Indeed, i’m the donkey. :lol:


yeah ?

LOL did you guys see the above thread link?

I basically saw Snowboard_240sx’s avatar/sig (“Bling”) and photochopped it to say “Bing” instead (terrible job) just for the heck of it…then stuck it in “Best SON240 picture” thread.

Bing saw it and decided to use it as his sig…Snowboard_240sx sees this and wants vengeance!

That’s my side of things anyhoo…where the donkey thing came from…dunno! :lol:

i call everyone a donkey…donkey means asshole…but i just use that all the time

your new avatar looks gheyyy

i agree, my avatar is best though.

Mike, yours is gay too.

My avatars > *

Hell even my sigs are great.

^Your sig looks like a male stuffed creature showing its rear end. but your avatar is pimp, aside from cops being ghey.

i am ghey… :roll:

Anyone steals mine ill have to drill your kneecaps out :lol: