/ Niagara Meet 2006 - 30min Video

If you didn’t go, this is what you missed. :slight_smile:

This file is HUGE. The reason is because it is over 30 minutes long (Thank Hector) and I wanted to keep the quality kinda high, but not so high that is would crash everyone’s PCs.

So enjoy… :smiley:

Right Click, Save As HERE - BING’S / SON Niagara Meet 2006 Video - 588mb

MIRROR SITE: Right Click, Save As HERE - BING’S / SON Niagara Meet 2006 Video - 588mb

And it’s not hosted on Sagemind, so it won’t crash NYSpeed :slight_smile:

i hope this is worth it, its taking forever :rant: :smiley:

lol, if you like 240s and making fun of ricers it’s worth the wait :slight_smile:

soooo worth it :smiley:

I am watching now and it rules!!!

and for the record

I love hector.

well i hate 240’s, but also hate ricers.

its a toss up


dl’ing now


and it made it 3 mins said it was done, lied to me, and now wont play past 3 mins.



Good GOd its going to take ~35 min. on T3!!!11

Hey guys, I’m the one hosting this for Onyx.

Just FYI, the first link listed if a 10MBit link (so about 1200KB/sec maximum), the second is 100MBit (so about 12,000KB/sec max) – the vids are posted on more boards than just this one and they’re both getting raped so please bare with the ~200-300kb/sec maximum download speeds :smiley:

oh and beckington - I apologize… A few minutes after posting the video we took it offline for a few minutes to rename it – thats why your download died :x

Props to Josh for an awesome video. Enjoy!

patiently waiting at 135kb/s


wow these guys are incredibly good sports.

good vid :tup:

started the download when i left for work this mornin, i’ll watch it when i get home

good vid josh. lol at skunk closing his windows at the start of vid because of the bee swarm

WTf pwned.

great editing!!! just not worth the half gig dl.

:tup: to great taping and editing
:tdown: size, length, and the size to content ratio

Its just time, what else would us forum junkies do with our daily lives, took me about 30 min to dl while I multitasked

I enjoyed it :tup:


the end is the biggest reason why, women should not go to car meets.

or even wake up in the morning.

“that car is better than most of the cars in here if you really think about it”

Dumb bitch.

:tup: to Hector.

maybe next time you NYspeeders wony flake out and actually show up and stay for the whole thing…huh?.. jay?..aaron?..and where the shit was Newman?

we wont be doing another meet like this this year at the Cosy because of other events but we’re thinking of doing something similar…