bings exhaust

i have more in stock if anyone is interested.

Hey Bing, could you post any pics of those 4.5" boltable tips that you were referring to a few posts up?


maybe you’d like to offer that ‘warranty’ to Nocwage /Max… since at the time you wouldn’t give him the warranty , ( unless by ’ warranty ’ you mean getting some local schlub to do a MIG weld on all the hangers that gave way simply to perpetuate the problem rather then replace it with something approaching quality…) Guess that ‘first million’ really isn’t that hard to make when your selling $45 parts for $300…

What exactly is wrong with welding the hangars back on? Exhaust will function the same as it did before the hangars broke off.

$45 will not even get you all the flanges and gaskets needed. Never mind the piping.

Seriously, if you do not like the product…why buy it in the first place?

Lastly, take this kinda shit to pm’s. Trying to make a bad image for someone here?

Then again, I know nothing of the situation. So, my apologies. Just voicing my opinion. Since it was posted in a thread rather than pm.

IF the base material used in the first place was of any sort of quality and notthe slag ridden, high carbon ‘stainless steel’ the chinese like to export , then there would not be a problem, but, as evident by the fact that the hangers DO brake off AT the welds… re welding in the same place is only perpetuating the core issue, you CAN’T weld high carbon SS, it’s TOO brittle due to state change. As someone who has access to this sort of crap myself… it IS worth $45 and no You couldn’t buy the REAL fasteners and gaskets for any exhuast setup for that price, I agree…

With people who actually know something about manufactured goods… Bings already got a bad name, he doesn’t need me to help out… I just find it insulting that he’s trying to claim he gives full warranty when he denied it to someone, ( a customer of mine), who had it happen to him while on a touge run… The thing was destroyed as all hangers let go at once, it damage the DP and header and the underside of the car…

the reason it goes to public forum is that people need to see the ‘other side’ not the one that bing controls here on the forum via his little cult of personality.

Ian, i did offer it to Max, the threads are still on here actually.

he declined and demanded cash back after over a year if i recall.

bing’s got a bad name… haha… with like a half dozen insiginficant people.

hey everyone… gather around, this looks like its going to be a good one.

I asked for $150 of the $450 I paid (they were more expensive then), bing made about $400 profit on each one, I figured he could keep some profit. As BAS said, the problem wasn’t that the welds broke, it’s that the casing of the exhaust actually tore off, rewelding would have resulted in the same problem.

Also it was after less than 1000km of driving and no winter driving.

I wasn’t the only one who had problems with his shit chinese knock off parts, there were a lot of people on the board who’s exhaust failed, and his short shifter and any other number of parts.

Anyone who buys anything bing ‘makes’ is putting his life in bing’s hands, I cant believe anyone that would buy his suspension pieces.

The guy doesn’t give a shit about any of you, he just wants to make money.

Yay lets weld up torn metal! I bet that’ll work awesome.

Max i did offer you your asking price but you sold it to Avery who welded it up and used it them probably sold it for more than you wanted… you were being a cry baby…

i offered to exchange it, you declined, i offered to buy it back from you at your asking price, you sold to someone else.


soooo… you wouldnt even let me buy it back off you… but you sure do like to bitch about it.

btw, hows westD?

Wow, a forum is not the place to try to slam someone, or a business but when enough people get products or services it is more likely to look worse for the complainer as it does here.

Well done Bing. Great products from what I have seen

I told you Scott!:):slight_smile:

btw, if anyone out there wants an invincible catback that will last 5+ years in Canada, through winters etc…

don’t expect to get it got $400 please… if you want to double your budget i’ll get you something nicer… but since we’re all ricers, a cheap 3" catback does the trick.

if you have problems within a year, i’ll exchange it for you… it’s never been a problem… unless of course you demand your cash back 14 months after teh fact because a hanger broke…

So what do you have for the double budget people haha

what do you want my friend?

Reinhard is over a Grand right now if you want to be a Holler McBaller

bing ur the baller of them all

whats an exaust like that worth in tha pic up there i want one a those !!! someone PM me

Which Pic?

Bings sells his for I think $450…Bing confirm?

i dropped the price… $350 picked up, $400 shipped in Ontario only…

Well I’ll be damned…it’s an even better deal now.