
“This game is a beacon. It’s one of those monumental experiences you’ll never forget, and the benchmark against which games for years to come will, and indeed must, be measured. This isn’t merely an evolution of System Shock 2, but a wake-up call to the industry at large. Play this, and you’ll see why you should demand something more from publishers and developers, more than all those derivative sequels forced down our throats year after year with only minor tweaks in their formulas. It’s a shining example of how it’s possible to bring together all elements of game design and succeed to the wildest degree.”

that was from IGNs review they gave it a 9.7/10. def gonna pick this one up :tup:

is there a final word on multiplayer


is there a final word on multiplayer


None for the 360. Don’t know about PC but I’d lean towards NO as well.

this should fill the gap between now and halo 3 nicely


this should fill the gap between now and halo 3 nicely



I might go check target on the way home and see if they put it out already.

I’ll be buying it tomorrow on lunch :slight_smile:


I’ll be buying it tomorrow on lunch :slight_smile:



P.S. Halo 3 is for gheys…but I will probably buy it.
P.P.S. I finally beat Rainbow 6 yesterday. I put it down for about 5 months and now I am hooked again.

same here i have been playing a little online at night and im shaking the rust off. we need to assemble our crew.


same here i have been playing a little online at night and im shaking the rust off. we need to assemble our crew.


go play ur wii


im up for some r6

then you’re up for getting shot bitch.

lol yeah nothing has changed

IM UP FOR SOME R6 HOLLA! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

just gotta get my account back :snky:

can PC people jump in on 360 R6 dm’s?

if you ever see me on that game send me an invite, no 360 will not wirk with pc r6. that would be murder


can PC people jump in on 360 R6 dm’s?


just when i thought you were getting better

how in the world could u ask that :stuck_out_tongue:

lol I don’t know… I just figured, why not

but I guess from a control standpoint, I can see why it wouldn’t be very fair

pm steve.


lol I don’t know… I just figured, why not

but I guess from a control standpoint, I can see why it wouldn’t be very fair


MS has been messing with the concept.

matt had a mouse keyborad doo hickey for his and said it worked like ass. I guess until that works well all will remain fair.

yea the mouse and the concept of acceleration didn’t work well together