
howie has my old account lol

LOL, you bought another 360 eh…

SHIT. Does that mean -

ugh, I’ll change my name…

I downloaded the demo last night. Can’t wait to play it today.

Dissapointing, you’re supposed to see more with 16:9, not less.

but I doubt it will affect gameplay much.

looked fine on my tv

creepy game… 8/10 so far :tup:

They did a great job on it… I’m really stunned on how well it actually runs on, by todays standards, a low grade PC

amd 64 2ghz (single core), 1.5gb memory and AGP 256mb 7800GS vid card. With everything turned on, minus screen distortion and set at 1280X1024 resolution, it runs outstanding (30-40 fps).

The splicers freaked me out lol

i got it last night but i cant seem to open slots for the new powers. I am at the machine that allows you to swap them and when i leave it tells me i have an empty slot but it is still blocked off when i look at it, Anyone have any idea?

i think i dl a bad copy, it locks up on me, going to grab another copy tonight and try it again.

I’m not even sure where to find the machine that opens up more plasmid slots. I had to give up incinerate for telekinesis. :frowning:

I played for about 1.5 hours last night and I don’t think I got very far. I have been searching around the rooms thoroughly before I move on. There is all kinds of hidden stuff. Still haven’t fought a big daddy.

when you move to the next level it is right at the beginning. It is really strange cause there is a machine that lets you decide what you want to equip but it clearly shows all but 2 of my slots blocked off. The big daddys are fucking tough, im kinda pissed at the lack of ammo cause some of the guns are pretty neat.


The posts grow on 2k Games’ Bioshock tech support forum. The general consensus? “We are pissed” Widespread PC versions of Bioshock have left gamer’s with the inability to start the game, play it for more than a few hours (random desktop crashes), and even random reboot crashes (game crashes and system hard reboots itself). Did 2k know about this?

I’ve found a good amount of ammo so far. Like I said you have to search around. The quest arrow on the top of the screen makes you want to keep moving ahead but there is all kinds of ammo laying around. Armor piercing bullets should help with the big daddy.

this is for the 360 tho…

oh snap!

yeah i went through all my ammo on the big daddy pretty much, the big help is the shock shells. Then the armor piercing bullets to clean him up.

yeah i probably grabbed a bad copy

pc or 360?

edit: 360 I assume from your post

Pretty good game, I played for about 3 hours last night.

So far I’ve taken out like 3 baddies, they’re fuggin tough (medium difficulty). I just harvest those little bitches, fuck’em.

I bought another plasmid slot somewhere, it was 100 adam. Along with a bunch of other abilities like hacking and damage resistance, electric shock.

I played till like 4am, then all last night while I was dreaming, I was searching boxes and cabinets.

please play this game on the hardest level. i did this with r6 and it makes it sooo much more fun and challenging.