
You’ll get used to them, and eventually love them, and anything to do with them.

You’ll go to love them cause they make so you cant feel feelings any more.

They also help you rough up the bitch when she gets mouthy

Except hangovers.
Fuck Budweiser and PBR.

Budweiser hangovers are the worst.

Your shit smells so bad

Bud is like toilet water beer. I prefer Molson, Labatt or Heineken.

BudLight farts FTL!!

ur not suppose to drink it with a straw or sippy cup.:rofl

corona an heinekin farts are the worst

hydro hang overs are as bad as bud hang overs. :Idiots

hank speakin of that i need my gauge tommorow ,oh and ya know

What eva gauge will be outside. like discussed in orther thread.:eek3

wow ,im sorry man i see how it is oh and the bearing for the trailbalzer is 140 my cost

already gotz. fixed and long gone. i figured u foregot and were busy so i didn’t call.:thumbup