Who's drunk

I am :rofl

Post here if you are too :ponder

Wanna do it?

i took a heineken bottle with me for my walk home
it was under your car :rofl:rofl

Me and josh jacked two of the 30 racks before we left :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl


da fuck?? where were you guys? i’m bored as FUCK right now

I’m at home, with a 30 rack to my face.

There we’re girls there. Didn’t think you would want to come…

that place was SO wrecked. :ahh
did you guys clear the pong table before you left

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

no srsly where were you, rami’s?

fuck no, it’s goonna reek tomorrow

super secret double probation location

oh, okay, sorry i’m not cool enough to know

yo this girl was trying to call you once she got picked up cuz it was your birthday yesterday or sum shit idk.


hahahaa it was probably sara, i couldnt understand a word she was saying tonight she said she was at “fami’s” or some shit :lmao

word for word text from her:

“on at some fami weird app house”

waaaaaaaaat?? :rofl

samberg had a shit load of makeup on wtf

MX-5555 Chiming in hurrrrr


thanks for bumping a year old thread mx-5, you dumb bastard

I had a beer earlier while I was painting the garage. So yeah, I am hammered