BJ Penn v Georges St. Pierre

GSP will rock by penn…

it definitely should be a great fight though

OT- But did you guys see the fedor vs arloski (sp)? I was a big fan of fedor of the last few years without even knowing anything about MMA, and now that I know a little bit, I enjoy his fights that much more. I was REALLY expecting him to have his hands full but if you saw the fight, it just shows why hes still unbeaten lol


:spank: yeah I hope St. Pierre kicks his ass! BJ is a cocky guy…

Maybe is it GSP’s accent but he just sounds like he is talking down to Penn the whole time. He also said something like; He will know he made a mistake fighting me and other stuff like that.

I’m pretty pumped for this fight also:

what time is GSP vs. BJ on?

any site streaming this fight ?


FUCK YOU PENN :slight_smile:

Wow that was not a great night of fights

I really like Michida’s style. Hopefully he gets a title shot or at least a fight that would make him the number one contender

So GSP won?

Details about the match? :smiley:

GSP dominated. Doctor/ref stopped just after 4th round.

Round 1.

…and not to be offensive or anything, [COLOR=“Magenta”]REALLY TRYING NOT TO BE !!![/COLOR]
but I called this entire match sureshot, suck my dick ;D

khoveraki really went out on a limb to say a 155 lbs fighter would be out muscled by a 170 lbs fighter on the ground. Maybe GSP should go up to 185 and try to fight Anderson and see how he fares.

I really hate people that watch a couple spike specials and think they have the sport figured out.

So you’re talking shit about me talking shit? You’re awesome guy. I called the match, sureshoot tried to call me out on it. Don’t be sore because your guy is eating his words. And I love how everyone who was rooting for Penn is saying things like outweighed, out muscled, whatever. He had to THROW IN THE TOWEL because a doctor told me he’d be stupid for continuing. He had to QUIT. After all that bullshit talk about GSP being a baby, a quitter, saying he had no balls, saying he was going to kill him… he got his ass beat and had to quit.

Do you have this sport figured out? Ever kickbox?


BJ Penn 168. GSP 170.

Any more excuses pal?

I actually watched this. All I know is that Hawaiian dude’s cauliflower ear got fucking pummelled.

BJ Penn was totally dominated right from the start. Fitch did better against GSP.


LMFAO trueblue @ hawaiian punch

Penn was not in shape and his cardo sucked.
He was not a trim 168 like GSP’s 170.

Sureshot my guy? I argue with him most times in regards to MMA and have never met him.

I do not have the sport figured out and never claimed to.
I said I wanted BJ but GSP would win if it went past the first round.