Lesnar vs . . .

Captain America
For the title
Nov 15


I think Lesnar getting a title shot is a little quick, but the heavy weight division is not plentiful right now.

I hope randy is in shape.

Randy is too old to be given easy, fluffer fights… every fight for the rest of his career has to be a show stopper. My only problem with the matchmaking is that if either lose, their viability in the division is lost. Who wants to see Fedor v Couture if Randy gets beat up by Lesnar? Who wants to see Lesnar if he gets outworked in his element by a 45 year old man?

That being said, there isn’t much else competition for Randy in the UFC HW division since Mir and Nog are tied up with the ultimate fighter.

It’s going to be a tough fight for Randy, I’ll be curious to see what his gameplan is going to be- assuming Brock’s strength may nullify the clinch for Randy. Also, while Randy may be the more competent striker, Brock’s hands are the size of bowling balls. :tdown:

I’m pulling for Randy, but I don’t want to see Brock disappear if he loses.

More importantly, PENN vs STPIERRE 2, Dec 21 IIRC


I’d like to see Couture win with skill over Lesnar’s strength and size like he did to Sylvia, but I would still rather see him fight Fedor eventually if they could ever hook up that fight. I would even settle for a Lesnar vs. Fedor fight if he beats Couture.

As for Penn vs. GSP 2 … GSP all the way, I think his game is just too well rounded for Penn this time to even make it 3 rounds, let alone a championship 5 round fight. Penn’s BJJ is a little better than GSP’s, but GSP has many more tools such as Kyokushin, which make his kicks just devastating. I lost a lot of respect for Penn after he stepped into the cage after the GSP/Fitch fight and acted like a hardass after such a good, well fought fight by GSP against the very durable Fitch. If this fight does go down (haven’t seen an official announcement yet) I say GSP in 2 rounds by TKO.


:word: I simply cannot wait for GSP/Penn…It will likely be the best fight I have yet to witness. GSP is really at the top of his game, and could prove to be the best fighter in the UFC

Fedor would have Lesnar tapped before the fight even started, I mean seriously now.

As for Penn vs. GSP 2 … GSP all the way, I think his game is just too well rounded for Penn this time to even make it 3 rounds, let alone a championship 5 round fight. Penn’s BJJ is a little better than GSP’s, but GSP has many more tools such as Kyokushin, which make his kicks just devastating. I lost a lot of respect for Penn after he stepped into the cage after the GSP/Fitch fight and acted like a hardass after such a good, well fought fight by GSP against the very durable Fitch. If this fight does go down (haven’t seen an official announcement yet) I say GSP in 2 rounds by TKO.
Unfortunately I’m a huge Penn humper. I love the guy, he is fucking incredible… and has an awesome personality. Just chill, has fun, laughs… :tup:

That being said he is in for a TOUGH fight, one I don’t know if he can win. I’m not convinced St. Pierre is a better striker, and even if he is technically, he definitely doesn’t have the power BJ does. I’ve never seen BJ “rocked” and he’s taken more than one hit, even from 205lb Machida, and Gomi.

Furthermore, saying Penn’s ground game is a little better than GSP’s is a GIGANTIC understatement. Penn is a god of BJJ, be serious. On the mat, GSP is solid, there is no question about it, but when you have the skills, the talent and the flexibility that BJ does, anything can, and will happen.

For fucks sake, from the back, in multiple fights, BJ has pinned a guys arm down with his leg! I sound like Rogan now… haha. Anyways, BJ will have a huge weight disadvantage, a cardio disadvantage… but he will have a mental advantage. I’m not seeing him getting pounded out on the ground or on the feet. St. Pierre could win be decision… but BJ could win in any form, any round.

That said I still think GSP takes it :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Hey, I am still a Penn supporter and I am still very impressed by his skills, especially in BJJ. But GSP is a Renzo Gracie trained BJJ fighter and at last I heard he was finishing his black belt from Gracie. I am not taking anything away from Penn when I say his skills on the ground are just a little better than GSP’s, GSP has proven to be a fast and skillful student and has seemed to improve each fight and get better at all of his fighting skills. I remember when GSP fought Koscheck (a 4 time NCAA all American wrestler, and NCAA Div 1 Champion) and everyone said how much better his ground game was than GSP’s and then GSP went out there and beat him at his own game.

But as an MMA fan and also MMA student (I have been supplementing my usual work outs and boxing at Gracie-Barra Academy here in Orlando two days a week for 3 months now in their adult fundamentals BJJ classes) I can totally respect the skill level of Penn and his ability to end a fight on the ground. It would be a good fight to see none the less, and anything can happen in MMA, all it takes is one mistake or one good punch, but logically I think GSP would win and prove to be one of the best pound for pound fighters in the world.

The fight with St. Pierre will likely be pushed back until February 2009 when the UFC holds it’s Superbowl Weekend card.

Not to nitpick, but Koschek has takedowns and lay and pray, not ground and pound and BJJ.

I will 100% agree that St. Pierre is a better wrestler than Penn, no one in the world will disagree. Penn has a different yet equally incredibly style of takedown defense ( Penn’s flexibility/balance vs. St. Pierre’s one legged hopping sprawl ) however St. Pierre’s takedowns are explosive. Not that Penn wants to go to the ground, he is a banger and would love to stand with anyone.

Truly on the mat though, their skills are vastly different. GSP can sub other wrestlers that have some BJJ skills, like Hughes, but cannot submit a BJJ savior like Penn. Because you train bjj I’m even more surprised that you compare the two on the mat, in terms of applicable BJJ!! Penn’s transitions, sweeps, open guard, combinations and submission defense are all vastly superior to GSPs. No one can tool you on the ground like Penn can, lmao.

Being Renzo Gracie trained is great, Renzo is great, sure, but a lot of people can get a black belt. Penn got his in 4.5 years, went on to be the only non brazilian to win black belt mundials ( without letting his opponent even score a point! )

GSP will take the fight to the ground, and will play a cautious game from in Penn’s guard, and might grind out a victory. Penn won’t go for the normal triangle/armbar transitions from the bottom, he won’t play wrist control… but he will end up on GSPs back at some point.

Side note, I’ve trained on and off in bjj here in buffalo for the last 2.5 years