UFC 116

Watched the preview last night and pumped for the fights.
With Brock being rusty and both their strengths being stregth it should be an interesting fight.
Leban fight should also be fun to watch.

Side note: It was cool to see a product from the company that my roommate works for (Burnmachine 12lb Speedbag) being used by Brock multiple times

After Fedor lost… the HW division is looking completely different to me now.

This is going to be an excellent slug-fest, can’t wait. Thats what the Heavyweight class is all about.

Fedor needs the UFC now more than the UFC needs him. A Fedor v. Couture can still get a million buys.
What would beating a no name in a rematch prove?

Couture is still willing/able to fight?

I don’t think Fedor needs to prove anything… nor does Couture.

If they were going to fight to determine who is the best… it wouldn’t prove anything. The outcome of that fight wouldn’t prove who the best was. They are beyond their prime, and I see Couture losing 9 out of 10 fights. I’d pay to watch it though… I agree.

No doubt, they have nothing to prove. Sort of a fan fight, like Chuck v. Tito or other fights they have been trying to be put together.

I wonder if Rogan will be announcing. Having Kenny doing it on the TUF finally was different, but gave good perceptive.
Compared to “it’s overrrrrrrrrrrr…I mean he is out, man that was close”

---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 PM ----------

FYI the thing Brock was using can be seen at about 1:38 of this older video

Also Anderson is using it as well I guess…


I’d like to see chris cyborg fight some dudes lol

That fight was brutal on Saturday. Not sure how it was not stopped earlier.

I’m going for Lesnar with a stoppage in the 1st. I don’t think I have been so pumped as I was saturday during a HW fight. Getting to see Fedor tap was awesome.

i think brock is going to domonate this fight by taking it to the matt asap and pounding him.

brock has way to good of hips to be thrown off easy.

sorry shane but this fight wrestling > punchers punch

Brock needs to mush his face!

Way too good of hips? All his weight is above his hips.

I’m not really sure about this fight, I want Carwin to win because I think Lesnar doesn’t have very much actual talent, just athletic ability. But with Brock’s strategy of laying on top of people and punching them in the face it’s kind of hard to counter.

Brock is a very good wrestler though… that is a skill.

Yeah Brock made it very clear there is a difference between a Division 1 and Division 2 wrestler.

Maybe you haven’t been following Brock at all… but he is pretty fricken good… and by “good hips” he is referring to the sprawl and the ability to counter while being shot at… not the amount of muscle on his hips.
Brock is pretty talented… albeit not in all aspects of MMA… but 2 of the most important - Wrestling, punching. And of course his natural athleticism.

you all realize noone has ever left the first round against shane carwin…just makin sure

Brock Lesnar will mush him like he did Frank Mir… yea the Mir rematch. lol

yeah, able to stay on top of the opponent, able to keep control on the ground… good hip control is important. when your 285 lbs and beating the shit outta a dude on the ground. You know brock will take him down.

ok… has he fought a former title holder (besides mir which is done and has been done), or a top 5 name yet? Shane is a beast and I like his attitude but i hope brock wins again. I wanna see Dos Santos fight for the title

Brock 2nd rd stoppage

Who has brock fought? He’s got 5 MMA fights total. He outweighed a very rusty and old couture by at least 50 lbs in the cage for the title fight. Took him 2 tries to beat Mir.

Did you even watch the 1st fight? He dominated much of that fight until his in-experience left a leg out for Mir to snag. No way would I call that a clear cut win by Mir.

A loss by submission is a pretty clear cut loss. It wasn’t an unlucky decision loss or bad call by the ref/judges- it was a clear cut screw up by Lesnar that cost him the match.

He’s big, and can charge at you like a bear. We get it. He’s got 5 MMA fights and people talk like he’s some kind of massively experienced world dominating fighter. News flash- he’s fought 4 different people. He hasn’t been tested or proved anything yet.